Mwaba in near Punch up: So I returned from Lusaka last evening. - TopicsExpress


Mwaba in near Punch up: So I returned from Lusaka last evening. After driving for over 8 hours from lusaka to stone.. I decided to just rest and have shots of whiskey just at home but as you know ba Sata is dead so zesco is back at their worst behavior na load shedding so fyalishima ama light... So I drove by a respectable place that had a generator and started watching the news... Then this ka mudala with tuma glasses who sat behind me started talking shit as if nakalwala mouth diarrhoea.... He went like its time to f*** up the bembas...they thought we will never rule now these stupid monkeys are getting a shock of their life I decided to ignore him and concentrate on my beer and watch TV.... The ka man continued cursing and halling more unpalatables. I continued ignoring him... Then later on he came near the bar area where I was sitting, so as he was there I asked for a shot of red label bar man mpeleniko double shot, the same mudala Then this fool just went like ba PF muli shani? So I asked him what makes you think am PF? He replied ukamba chibemba kaili I laughed and replied tawakwata mano mudala I continued sipping my whiskey on ice and this fool followed me again, so you loosing how does it feel? I told him, infact am now UPND he went like muzationgela party, siti funa bakawala, we are not your cousins He continued talking shit and I stood to walk out and thats when he asked the bar man, bushe alipila uyu? Abemba nibakabwalala sana and that when I decided Ive had enough, I asked him ninshi naibilapo ba wiso iwe chika**? (I went to conffession today for that) Surprising enough he was alone, three guys stood up, one had a red barret like for Julius Malema. Immediately I rushed for my phone and wallet. Surprising enough two other guys came to my rescue and the bar was in total pandemonium... PF has thugs but I scheme UPND will have worser thugs... HH is a good planner, a sensible economist, so far am studying his policies and I wana tell others to do the same and vote for him for a better Zambia. But my biggest worry is that his supporters are too excited, they not respecting others and this is worrying... UPND needs to bring in new change, it is not just at the top but even the Supporters, the era of caderism must die with the PF...but its starting to look like UPND is going the PF way... And please stop acting as if the election is already won! Lets do the campaigns and sell our man and that it. Over confidence ilaletelela.....
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 08:55:09 +0000

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