My ABCs :) A- Available: I think I am taken but Im not sure - TopicsExpress


My ABCs :) A- Available: I think I am taken but Im not sure what she wants anymore :/ B- Birthday: October 4th, 1989 C- Crushing On: I dont have one right now but I think she looks Amazing --> Paola Marie D- Drink I last had: Vesica Vodka w. Juice E- Easiest person to talk to: This person right here --> Eden Brown F- Favorite song: As of right now . . . Ride - Somo G- Greatest memory: I have so many but it might be when I went to Six Flags the first time. H- Hometown: New York City! I- In love with: I would tag her but the way my haters are set up . . . She knows who she is though. J- Jealous of: Anyone who made it into Heaven. R.I.P K- Killed someone: I did a lot of dumb shit without thinking when I was younger. Hopefully not. L- Longest friendship: Best friends/cousins since we were in diapers Ace Stone M- Middle Name: My middle name is Luis. N- Number of siblings: Two from my mothers side. I hear my dad has other kids . . . Ill never know them because I never knew him. O- One wish: To see my Childhood best friend, cousin and my daughter again may they R.I.P P- Person who called me last: Gabbriella Scozzari Q- Question Im always asked: Why are you so serious? R- Reason to smile: My Children S- Song I last sang: FDB - Childish Gambino T- Time I woke up: 2:30PM U- Underwear color: Wanna find out? ;) V- Violent moment I had: Way too many . . . Throwing a computer at a kid in class maybe. W- Worst habit: Drinking . . . X- X-rays Ive had: Throat & Ankle Y- Your last kiss: This year with her Eliza Rosario Z- Zodiac sign: Libra ^^^
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:22:09 +0000

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