My Birth Story. Before the birth of Javi I read countless birth - TopicsExpress


My Birth Story. Before the birth of Javi I read countless birth stories. I would stay up late after Ray would fall asleep and search birth stories on Google. At around 3 a.m I would either start to feel better about the whole idea about giving birth or I would feel completely terrified that I wouldnt be able to fall asleep for a few more hours. Dont judge me. New moms understand me. Think about it. If you were about to go on a trip/ journey to another county wouldnt you want to be informed? Youd probably look up everything about that country. Well, thats exactly what I did. Except I wanted to know everything about babies and the business of giving birth. Thanks, Google! Seriously, how did women do it before the internet? Joking. That being said, some of those stories either left me with a smile on my face, a tear in my eye because they were so sweet, or they scared the s*** out of me. As the birth of my son got closer and the more I read birth stories the more I thought to myself, perhaps being pregnant forever isnt so bad. I dont think I can do this. I cant do this. Im the girl who cried for 2 hours straight when I walked into a glass door. I dont do well with pain. Yup Im staying pregnant forever! Again, dont judge me. Well, as we all know once youre on the Pregnancy Train theres no getting off until you reach the designated destination. And trust me that day will come when you have to give birth...approximately 40 weeks after you get pregnant. At around 38 weeks my doctor decided to schedule me to be induced because my son was measuring big. Yea, this added to the whole being scared. I was really excited though. I was finally going to meet my little baby and being the control freak that I am I was looking forward to knowing exactly when I was going to go to the hospital. In fact, I put it on my calendar on my iPhone. I was prepared, birth plan and check list and all! Well, things never go as planned. Two days before I was suppose to be induced my water broke as I laid in bed. I had just done all the laundry and cleaned the house fairly well. I guess nesting is real. When my water broke I didnt really know it was my water that broke. As pregnant women know one of the drawbacks of pregnancy is a weak bladder. I was sure I had just peed on the bed. I panicked, seriously Perla you are getting pathetic. You only gained the weight of a small human being during this pregnancy and now you cant even make it to the bathroom, I thought. I finally looked at Ray and murmured, I peed. He didnt seem all that shocked which kinda offended me lol. As I got up to go to the bathroom and continued to pee I realized I hadnt peed I was going into labor! Ray right away joked and said, Ill grab the check list. He didnt seem to see the importance of the check list. I quickly got into the shower and was surprised at how good I felt. I took my time and did my makeup as if I was going to a club...again dont judge me. I wanted my son to think I was beautiful the moment he saw me. Can you tell I was a first time mom, yet? I got dressed and off we were to the hospital. I checked in and a lady showed up with a wheel chair. I had never been sick enough to go to the hospital and didnt feel I need a wheel chair so I offered to walk. The nurse explained it was necessary for me to ride in the wheel chair and thats when it hit me that this train had just sped up and I would be arriving to my destination very quickly. I felt silly the whole way to the room and embarrassed. Once in the room they asked me a bunch of health related questions and then hooked me up and baby Javi to a monitor that was checking his and my heart least I think, Im not a nurse. I was feeling pretty good and was told to relax. At about 3 hours in I began to feel some contractions and being the wuss that I am I said yes to pain medication in my I.V as soon as I was offered some. I wasnt trying to be a hero and I really wanted to remember the birth of my son as a memorable experience. And boy am I glad I said yes because a few minutes later I fell asleep. The nurse would come in about every hour to check on me and my progress. I really had the nicest nurses, to this day I regret not getting them flowers or chocolates for them for how amazing they were! Nurses rock by the way! Anyway, back to the story. At about 5 hours into my labor they told me that if I wanted an epidural now was the time to speak up because I was 4 centimeters dilated and the anesthesiologist had a scheduled surgery where he had to be present. I had just felt a contraction as they asked and again I said, yes way too quickly. Thank goodness the epidural goes in your back because Im sure that if I had seen the needle I would have passed out. After the epidural I logically couldnt feel my legs at all. Again I went back to sleep and the whole time dreamt about my son and what he would look like. The doctor checked on me at about noon and said I was at 8 centimeters, just a little longer. Thats when I called my mom and told her to head on over. I knew she really wanted to be present for the birth and I wasnt about to take the joy of seeing the birth of her first grandchild away. At about 3 oclock the doctor came in and nonchalantly said, youre having the baby now. Holy shit, what?!?!?! It all seemed so real now. Everyone started to move faster as they tried to prepare everything for Javis arrival and all I could do was lay there. Part of me wanted to say something but I couldnt. I was a little in shock and scared. Once everything was ready the doctor got in position and asked me to push. I pushed as hard as I could and the nurse started counting. They kept giving me instructions on how to breath and let me tell you how annoying that was. I thought I was going to punch someone. I kept pushing and unfortunately Javi was having a hard time making his way out. Thats when the doctor asked for the vacuum. For those of you who dont know what a vacuum is, its a device used around the babys head to suction him out...yeah scary. They tried that several times and couldnt. Thats when I kinda realized that my doctor was getting impatient and he kinda looked worried to me. That was the point where I panicked, I got scared that for some reason this happy moment would turn into a nightmare. The doctor called for the forceps and after a few attempts they literally pulled Javy out. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice and that is why he was having a hard time coming out. He was purple and wasnt crying and I burst into tears. I was so scared for my son and for myself because its true what they say once you see your child you forget about all the pain. He was my world and I NEEDED him to be okay. My world now revolved around him and all I wanted was to hear him cry and hold him. In my head I came up with the idea that I would hold my son to my chest before his umbilical cord was cut and bond, a beautiful moment I was really looking forward to. They took Javi away to put him under some lights and a few seconds later which felt like an eternity to me I heard him cry. It was the most amazing sound I had every heard. He was okay and I could finally breath. Once he was all cleaned up and the nurses performed all the necessary procedures they let me hold him. He was so tiny and perfect. I remember starring at him and simply being in awe. At 3:48pm on April 22nd I met the most amazing little person. He was 7lbs and 15 ounces and perfectly healthy. I felt like the Grinch, my heart literally grew 10 times the moment I saw him....not that I was mean before or had a small heart lol To this day I look at my son and realize that giving birth is the most amazing experience any woman can experience because at the end you get the biggest blessing a human could ever be blessed with. I now look forward to the day I can have another baby and next time around Im sure I wont complain so much about all the negative sides of pregnancy because it truly is worth it! I never thought being a mommy would be so fulfilling and rewarding. As I write this I am laying next to my sleeping son. I cant help but get a tear in my eye, he truly is perfect. In the end I am one blessed girl and thankful for the opportunity to be a mommy. Theres nothing I wouldnt do for my son and I am enjoying every single moment. Thanks for reading. Ps. I didnt proofread so I apologize for all the grammatical errors but Im a little tired to go back and reread it lol Perla
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:40:48 +0000

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