My Dear Friends, When I use the term God dont like ugly it - TopicsExpress


My Dear Friends, When I use the term God dont like ugly it means what it is. We have a moral responsibility whether we like it or not. People of faith, our ultimate destination is heaven or darkness simple. The law is the law and I am in no way implying or saying its okay to break it. It makes very upset when I see people being humiliated. I hope for compassion for those struggling, for the poor, homeless, illegals...ect... Immigration is to complex to have an educated conversation via Facebook. America is the Land of Opportunity therefore they will not stop coming. Is their a solution I dont know...however, I can say this: Illegals or no Illegals those who fail to reach the American Dream in America, its not because someone else took their job...or because our economy is doing so bad... God has a plan and we just dont know it. Compassion and moral responsibilities is something we exercise every day, these dont have election days. I really appreciate all of your comments and most of all we dont call each other names not on my page Thank you. I love all my friends, I embrace my Mexican Heritage with both arms, and I hope God keeps us smiling always. As for those buses in Murrieta, they were packed with children and women. Who would dare tell a Child to get the hell of their property if that kid came knocking hungry, thirsty and scared... Have a bless day ! So bless God just pours down his wisdom so our Elective Officials find a solution. Vamos Recio Califas ! Si Se Puede !!! Lets get to work ...
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:42:42 +0000

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