My EGO is the seat of my hopes dreams and aspirations it is a good - TopicsExpress


My EGO is the seat of my hopes dreams and aspirations it is a good thing put there by God. Anyone who tells me otherwise is not ful of spiritual wisdom nor reality, but trying to control me. My soul is inscrutable to a degree it being created by God. Within the soul are seated the Ego which I jsut described and the self, these combined determine my personality which you just maligned without even knowing who i am(another sign of control). The mind is an aspect of the soul in it is seate the constructs of image, thought, emotion, tactile feelings scents, etc all the aspects of consciousness. These constructs are connected. It is the constructs plus their connects that make up our stories our experience our memories the way we learn process information from externalities. Process is a bad word it owes its leagacy to the current dominate theroy in shychogy not to be confused metaphoricay with hypothesis, the current dominnat theroy is inccaurate it does not reflect the mind accurately. Constuctivis hich I just described does more acctulye describe how the mind works. the point here is that the mind doesnt process informaation from externalities so much as it absorbs it in a gestalt like fashin the min then organizes and stores using the organic brain in the faihson I just described as construcitvism. The organic brain merely reflects the activites of the siritula mind. this opens up all kinds of desiutes with regard to the orgainc chauvainism of MDs pshrychtirists wh in their aggrance assume that the orgainc brina drives the sirtual mind, when or they deny the exitience of the siritul. this is nt supported by the evidence, but they exists to sell surgery and medication. This view brings into question the current state of brain research which is both top down and bottom up. the top down research is based on the use of equiment of dubius sensitivyt and usefulness in measureing that which the experimenters assume they are measuring and drwaing conlusions from ie brain activity which they assume is the driving force of all concious activity(I have alredy invlaidated this). The probliem with all of their research is three fold A- it doesnt jibe with pshychology one would expect the 2 sceinces to be in-sync, B- the insturmentation is not sensitive enough to measure the activity of individua synapes their firing order the neurotransmitters incvived nor the price optimal amounts of the neroutransmitters, yet they draw conclusions for us that lead us to beleive that they are measuing all this and C- must importnaly the top down expereinmentation is not supported by the bttom up exereimentation, such that there is not enough eveidence form the bottom up epereinst to even warrant dowin top down research. ie what we know of brain activity fromt he bottom u is as followss, sceintists hac=ve yet to isolate and activity that they can conclusivey call a thought, they have yet to isolate an activity that they can clucively call and emotion they dont even know how to do this, they have present and external simuli and looked for a speific action they cannot however say that the expected action is cocnlsuively due to the external stimulis because there are to many intermediate actions that they have not eiliniatd as potential casues fo the action they are looking fr nor can the conclusively say that the action they are looking for is isolated to a single part of the brain, bacues the looked for action is measured in multiple parts of the brain without enoguh time diferention to say with a degree of certaintiy where the action occured frts. Now I tink yu can see how this negates the top expereimentation where conlusions are drwa saying this activity measrued by these intrusmetns mean this and that these actions occur in this part of the bran. THEY DO NOT KNOW THAT. Now aht I have said represents sceince and is verifiyable what you have said is nonsense supported by no eveidecen excet your own bias therefore has no basies ie nothing to do with reality and no value theraputically. Leave my ego alone and kindly refrain from insulting my personality you dont even know me and I am not joining your cult.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:08:50 +0000

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