My Experience Today With A Social Media Client... It was about - TopicsExpress


My Experience Today With A Social Media Client... It was about two weeks ago when I first sat down to coach Leila (named changed for client privacy :) ). She was completely brand new to the world of social media. She had never tweeted, had no business Facebook page, and had never heard of the word hashtag. But, Leila wanted to expand her business and she knew that online was the way to do it big. To start, we spent a few hours together going over the basics of why social media is important, what different terms mean, and what business professionals are doing now to succeed and work efficiently online. I set up a Facebook page for her business, launched her Twitter account, and linked her Facebook page, Twitter account and LinkedIn profile together through the Buffer app, so she could manage all three seamlessly. About 3 days ago, I decide to go over and check in on Leilas progress on her Facebook page as well as her Twitter account. Both were quiet. They had been untouched since a day after our coaching session. Today, we met again to go over a few of her requests. To start off the meeting, I told her that I noticed both her accounts were untouched, and asked what it was that kept her from staying active. She told me 2 things: 1) She said that she was embarrassed to bring people to her Facebook page because it was so new and empty. 2) She also said that she didnt know what to say on Twitter. Both of the things she told me are common hesitations that keep many business people from starting, maintaining, and truly leveraging social media for their businesses. So, I was not surprised. I actually appreciated her honesty because now, I could help her. If you too are like Leila, here is what I will always say about these 2 hesitations: 1) Bring people to your page, keep providing value and they will stay because of the tips and advice you share. Start there, and soon your page will no longer be new or empty. 2) Twitter is talking. Talk to people. Start by searching for other professionals in your niche. Follow them and start retweeting their tweets until you have your own ideas, tips and information to share. Comment and praise their tweets. Soon, ideas for unique tweet content will be streaming through your mind. So for all of you Leilas out there, know this: We all started at the beginning. Just start. Do not be nervous to start. Just start. And once you do start, naturally, over time with consistency, you will begin to master whatever it is that you are doing. Thats it. Keep it simple and stay consistent, the rest will fall into place.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 02:41:52 +0000

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