My Junior son who attends the Peshtigo Wisconsin High School tells - TopicsExpress


My Junior son who attends the Peshtigo Wisconsin High School tells me that the majority of his fellow students are Tories (BIG Government loyalists and lovers) who care not about Liberty and for whom the torch of Freedom has grown cold. He tells me that his fellow students like the idea of being manipulated, controlled and TOLD what to do, like to be told what they can do and what they are allow them to do and are willing to have it that way for the rest of their lives. He tells me that his fellow students dont care that they will have to pay for the Federal public debt of over $18 TRILLION plus another $93 Trillion in unfunded liabilities, by having all of that money taken off of their paychecks when they go to work, so they will have little or nothing left over for themselves, but they dont care. How did this come to be? Why do our students not have any respect for themselves, or for the holy light of freedom? What has happened to the torch? Have We let the the flame of freedoms torch grow cold? Because there can be no torch to pass, where the flame has grown cold. I fight every day for those Peshtigo High School students futures, even putting my life on the line at the Battle at Bunkerville Nevada in support and defense of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws which WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established upon our elected Republican and Democrat public usurpers and their hired Federal alphabet soup of tyrants, oppression and extortion as they use the IRS to steal our wages, salaries and property as well as the fully armed BLM and DHS agents and Federal Sniper Teams in Bunkerville... These students seem to be just fine with the fact that both the GOP and the Democrats buy elections with our labor, from the American voting MOB and THE KRONIES.... HAS THE TORCH OF FREEDOM and The Constitution, TOTALLY GONE OUT in Peshtigo Wisconsin? - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 05:41:29 +0000

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