My Mother A mother is a person who is a part of your life from - TopicsExpress


My Mother A mother is a person who is a part of your life from the moment of your conception. She nurtures you inside her womb and embraces you in her arms the moment you are born. A mother is the person who wipes your tears when you are hurt and stays awake all night when you are sick. Patience and guidance are some her best virtues. A mother is your harshest critic but can still be found standing in your corner every time. Her encouraging words of wisdom still whisper in your ear long after she has spoken them and will plague your conscience when you are about to make a mistake. A mother’s love is unconditional and can be felt throughout our entire lives. My mother was an amazing woman who had a passion for life and was devoted to her friends and family. Stubborn, hard headed and set in her ways are a few expressions that can be used to describe my mother. Hardworking, passionate, determined, persistent and loving are a few of the qualities she possessed. In her youth, my mother was a free spirited young woman. Friends recall her adventures nature. When my mother was twenty, she was determined to make a better life for her daughters. She worked endless hours while putting herself through nursing school and caring for her children. After 36 years of nursing, callused feet and worn out knees were her nightly companions. My mother was proud of her profession and took pride in the care she gave her patients. My mother cherished the little moments in life. The warmth of an early morning sunrise, the aromatic smell of fresh brewed coffee, Saturday morning yard sales, holding her husband’s hand while watching television and the soft sweet hugs from her grandchildren were only a few. Her greatest strength was determination. Whenever an obstacle was put in her way, she would move mountains to overcome it. Persistence and Strong Will guided her along the steep and narrow path. When my mother told someone she loved them she meant it. Her heart had reserved spaces for her husband, children, grandchildren, family and friends. When I close my eyes I can still see my mother’s tired pale face. She sits in her favorite recliner, rocking and enjoying the moment. Patiently she waits for my daughter to bring her the same princess book she has read a thousand times. Together they read about princess in faraway lands and handsome princes who come to their rescue. I can see her smile as she rubs the top of my daughter’s head. Tears well up in her eyes as she quickly blinks them away and she knows that these special little moments will soon come to an end. My mother was diagnosed with stage three Triple Negative Inflammatory Breast Cancer in March of 2011. She would have been 59 years old this past February. My mother’s name was Ann Lively and on September 26, 2012 she lost her battle with breast cancer.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 18:40:12 +0000

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