My New HLM Manifesto The Animal Issue Communication - TopicsExpress


My New HLM Manifesto The Animal Issue Communication Manifesto I reject the notion that litigation and civil disobedience is the only way to effectively respond to issues involving animals. I believe people join a cause to work toward a peaceful change, a shift the paradigm through peaceful communication. I believe engaging and motivating people to use their personal power to effect change in their lives and the lives of animals is my paramount mission. I will work together with everyone, passionate about their roles in an animal’s life, and I will offer understanding, compassion and respect for that individual’s reason for working with animals. I will give everyone who works with and wants to change the lives of animals a respected opportunity to express their views on the subject. I understand animals have held roles in human history for generations and that the nature of human nature cannot be re-programmed overnight. I believe current consciousness cannot be assaulted as a means for change. I understand change comes through education and experience. I realize when you respect another’s opinion that is not in line with your own; it can leads to their respecting your unaligned opinion. I will understand we cannot always swing for the fences. I will celebrate the little victories, because incremental change is often a more effective tool for adopting a larger shift in attitude than forcing a wide scale adoption of change. I believe the simple act of opening respectful communication between adversaries should be seen as a personal and corporate triumph., and that each meeting for the exchange of information needs a respectful parade. I believe engaging in a respectful conversation, addressing the disagreement, is the blood, sweat and tears of the story I will stop seeing disagreements as roadblocks and view them as opportunities to understand and integrate another’s point of view. I will have a conversation, about something I abhor and I will not view it as a waste of time. I will see it as an investment on educating myself and others on how we see things differently. I will turn my passion for respectful communication into momentum for a change in the way we communicate with each other on issues involving animals. I will do something every day to help change the world and the way it reacts to issues involving animals. I will facilitate a more peaceful dialogue allowing combatants to ponder attainable solutions. I want to improve the human and animal world by creating a solution oriented process for addressing the plight of people involved in conflicts about animals. I believe this begins with listening to and respecting ones adversary. I am my best self in a conversation if I am open to listening, understanding and respecting another ideas; this is truly when anything is possible. This is my commitment to the animals at the core of these issues and the people who care so deeply about them. Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton Hamilton Law and Mediation
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 20:05:07 +0000

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