My Presidents Posted by Joe America on November 17, 2014 · 50 - TopicsExpress


My Presidents Posted by Joe America on November 17, 2014 · 50 Comments I consider myself blessed. I have two presidents, and both of them are good people. After GW Bush and GM Arroyo, or course, just about anybody would be a step up. But both of my presidents are major steps up. Like big, like constructive. Like way up. Let me tell you a little bit about my presidents. First of all, they are alike and they are not alike. Here’s how they are alike They both have leader’s ego, which is confidence mixed with personable graciousness. Confidence helps project competence. Graciousness inspires as it brings others warmly into activities. Both display a capable kind of leadership that impels them to appoint people to jobs who are good at those jobs. They see competence in others as a gift rather than a threat. Both delegate well, giving their subordinates wide latitude to manage their departments, relying on them for advice, and making thoughtful executive decisions. Both are honest men, bright, with values inclusive of God and family. Here’s how they are not alike One is tall, the other not. One is resistant to sunburn, the other moreso than me. One is married, the other not. One plays basketball, the other chases women. One is gifted with Lincolnesque speech, issuing lofty words in the American king’s English. The other is more like Mark Twain, writing and speaking the local dialect. One preaches with Baptist fire and brimstone bombast, the other natters like Auntie Mildred at the sewing bee. One operates from a soaring, hopeful part of the heart, extolling the virtues of liberty and diversity and the American dream. The other operates from a somewhat tighter part of heart, extolling the victories of jailing people and imposing libel laws, with a lot of braggadocio to enhance one’s standing. Intellectually, President Obama is like a college professor, conceptual. President Aquino is like an engineer, detail-minded. Here’s why they are both remarkable leaders History welcomed both with desperate need. President Obama walked into a global economic collapse that threatened to be much worse than the 1929 depression. He stopped the fall on the strength of his charisma and the confidence he inspired. President Aquino was thrown into office by a people totally fed up with corruption and cheating. He has curtailed large ticket plunder. Both subsequently faced an intense backlash from opponents. President Obama bore the brunt of poisonously partisan Republican jealousy and anger. He was demeaned racially, slandered in terms of competence, and accused of being socialist and weak. Republicans went extreme, and they went nasty, and they went stubborn. He also faced the complaints of a broad population that was grossly less wealthy than the year before, many out of jobs. President Aquino faced the wrath of the corrupt. Early on, old generals were rumored to want to organize a coup because the drill-down on unexplained wealth accumulation was applying too much heat. Young officers said no way. Other corrupt people are reportedly laying low simply until President Aquino’s term ends. He approached the task like a hangman looking for clients. Those with something to hide got scared, got angry. Both have persevered with important achievements. Mr. Obama has steadied the economy. It was once one step from death’s door and is now about ready to climb out of the sick bed. He passed groundbreaking health care legislation, something other presidents have tried to do for decades but failed. He established a new foundation for American global prestige and leadership by pulling methodically out of Iraq and Afghanistan and engaging in other global hot spots as a partner and leader rather than the unilateral boss. He has pursued the war on terrorism as a “cell to cell” war, using drones and a brave and brazen raid to kill Bin Laden. Al Qaeda has been systematically carved up. Mr. Aquino has jailed predecessor Arroyo and dumped the Supreme Court Chief Justice into the trash bin of Arroyo’s failed manipulations. He has steadied the economy by investing only in projects that are known to be clean of graft. He has re-written rules for bidding and is establishing tax systems that are efficient and fair. His ombudsman and justice secretary work diligently to hunt down the corrupt. He is investing in infrastructure, roads and airports and schools and highways in Manila. He has articulated a fine line of firmness with diplomacy in a tense face-off with China. BEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIMEWith all his intent for good governance,more jailing of corrupt politicians eh!!! we should support his anoint one.... ORAS NA ROXAS NA PNOY PA RIN TULOY ANG PAGPAPAKULONG NG MGA KAWATAN SALAMAT PO.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 03:27:37 +0000

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