My Story: I had been taking things easy for nearly two years, - TopicsExpress


My Story: I had been taking things easy for nearly two years, ever since the compensation plan was changed in my primary network marketing business. That was back in Jan 2012, and with the income structure (in my opinion) broken I was unable to recommend that company authentically as a good business opportunity. Luckily the residue from that and my other affiliate marketing endeavors enabled me to not worry about earning a living. But as time passed, without being active, I could see my revenue declining. At some point I would need to find another opportunity, but nothing presented to me really stacked up. I have been blessed with building the largest team in Australia and enjoyed the kudos (and money) that came with that success. A few months back I received an email from corporate informing the leadership that Tommy Wyatt and Curtis Lewsey had left the company to pursue a new opportunity. Tommy and Curtis were at the very highest rank at the time. They are also the authors of the best-selling book, Appreciation Marketing. (I called it a modern day How To Win Friends and Influence People) At the end of the email I was informed they had joined a new company, in the Skin Care industry. Skin Care????, what had got into them? Had Tommy and Curtis really signed up to become a pair of Avon Ladies? I just could not believe what I read. BUT . . . then I though, these two guys had the best business minds. So they must know something that I dont. I reached out on Facebook and requested they let me know if they had plans to do anything in Australia. We had become good friends over the past five or six years, even though we were not connected in the business. (I sort of expected that they would get over the Skin Care thing, find something good and then let me know about it.) Time passed then a few weeks ago I received the message that its time to talk, Australian activity was imminent. I learned that the skin care company is called Seacret Direct, they have an exclusive range of Dead Sea products. Im still not impressed, I for one DO NOT want to be an Avon Lady! I also learned that they had replaced an income that took many years to develop, in a matter of months. OK Im listening. Tommy and Curtis seemed hell bent on getting me to fly out to Orlando Florida for the weekend. A trip where I would spend more time traveling there and back than the time Id have at the event. Noooo, Im not going, I still dont want to be an Avon Lady! But they kept asking. Anyone who knows me will know that I take my intuition very seriously. My intuitive notion is so strong I can sell it! (But thats another story) My logic was to stay with plans to go house hunting in Queensland for the weekend, my intuition was nagging me to go to America. Intuition wins. After about thirty six hours with no sleep except about three winks, I arrive in Orlando and am greeted by Curtis. Im eyeing up the shower and a bed, but Curtis grabs my hand and starts rubbing some blue thing on my thumb nail. This is crystals from the Dead Sea . . . . Blah blah blah . . . I was out of it and did not have a clue what Curtis was rabbiting on about. Blue side, grey side then white silk side. Feel that he asked. WOW I say. Woooooo Then without a break Curtis plops some poop on my arm. This is Dead Sea Bio-Organic Mud. Blah blah blah, again I had no idea what was being said. But as he wrapped a magnet with a tissue or cloth of some sort, then hovered it over the poop I cant help let out another WOW, as the mud leaped from my arm and clung to the magnet, leaving the patch of arm silky smooth. Heres the crux of it Curtis exclaimed. We can get four wows in three minutes. Theres not another company in our industry that can do that. The penny dropped, I GET it. Instant and positive reaction. Maya Angelous poem comes to mind. People will forget what you say, people will forget what you do, but people never forget how you make them feel. I felt WOW! Izhaks story: Over the next three days I learned about the company and the people who make up the Seacret Community. While there was some much deserved recognition for people who are achieving remarkable success, the ’no flash’ spirit through the weekend was refreshing. It was clear something above and beyond the normal network marketing world was going on. A highlight for me was meeting the CEO, Izhak Ben Shabat, in the Green Room behind the stage. Earlier in the convention Izhak had shared his story of how the company formed, succeeded and then exploded into relationship marketing with a 1,200% increase in sales, selling at half the retail price, in less than two years - breaking the billion dollar sales barrier. You can get the simplified version of that story here: https://beta.seacretdirect/australia/en/ca/community/our-story/ This will give you a better grasp the unique advantage we have with this opportunity. Some key points from Izhaks story for me are: Servant Leadership Community Profit sharing Exclusive product Instantaneous WOW Able to sell at 40 to 60% off retail Ground floor opportunity Certainly aint Avon! At the conclusion of the convention, Tommy, Curtis and I were invited to a meeting of cabinet members (the very high achievers from the field who advise corporate), management, and Ian Ross, (General Manager for Seacret Direct Australia) to be briefed on the imminent opening of Australia. At the end of the weekend, it is fair to say I was extremely excited. But importantly I had NO HOPE for my future with Secret Direct. I began my long haul home with nothing but ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY for unimaginable success for myself and for those I am now enrolling as founder members of the Australian business opportunity with Seacret Direct. The Opportunity in Australia. From now until 5th Jan 2014 is the Australian Founders period. Only founder agencies are on offer. From 6th January 2014 to the end of April 2014 is the Australian Pre-Launch Period. Here we will be able to recruit normal level Seacret Agents AND we will be able to retail and accept Preferred Customers just like they do in the USA. (Look at beta.seacretdirect/Australia to see whats on offer in the USA now.) May 3rd 2014, on stage at the international convention in Salt Lake City, Australia will be officially opened for business to the whole of SeacretDirect. So, let me now cover the Australian Founder Seacret Agency. At the time of writing, the Australian office has not finalised their merchant facility so these prices are in USA Dollars. US$70 is for the Agent Launch Kit US$1,900 is for the Agent Founders Club Registration. Please note that you will most likely incur a charge from your card issuing bank for this foreign exchange transaction. You will see the products included in the US$1,900 listed and photographed on the attached application form. This shows a 55% discount on the retail value of US$4,185 of the product pack. Only Silver Agents and above in the USA and Australian Founders Club members (you and I) can enroll new Australian Founders Club Members during Founders Period. From Dec 2nd to Jan 5th all USA Agents can enroll Founder Members in AU) From Jan 6th to May 3rd ONLY Australian Founder Members and any USA Agent who has enrolled am AU Founder Member can enroll new agents and customers in AU. May 3rd Australia is open to all agents. As AU founder Members we can enroll new agents and customers in USA and Canada and Mexico and Dominican Republic and South Korea as of now. As a Founder Member, you will receive: * Founders Pin, to be presented on stage at the first corporate event in Australia on the 3rd Feb 2014. (AU City TBA) * Reserved seating at all SeacretDirect Events - forever! * Name on founders wall plaque in foyer of new corporate office in Australia. * PROFIT SHARE - There will be a pool made up of 2% of the annual gross profit in Australia (for the first three years). This pool will be divided into two thousand points. You receive one point for becoming a Founder Member. AND then one extra point for each Founder Member you personally enroll. So if you are a founder and you enroll two founder members you would have 3 points in the profit pool. Enroll five founder members and you would have 6 points in the pool. Remember Founders Period ends Jan 5th. Note that founder memberships are to be capped at 1,000 but if all 2000 points are allocated by the time, the last founders will not have profit share. Also note, whatever number of founders are enrolled by Jan 5th, (1,000 or less) that is it. No more founders will be enrolled. But wait theres more! International Convention in Salt Lake City on May 1st to May 4th 2014 There will be an incentive beginning Jan 2104 that will involve travel bonuses towards flights to the May 2014 convention. TBA We can now enroll Founder Members ONLINE, please go through the person who introduced you to this page. If you are being enrolled by myself: Agent name: Ian Parkin Agent number: 224717 Agent phone: 0400 305 842 Also remember you will receive a $400 bonus for enrolling foundation members between now and 5th Jan 2013. From Jan 6th we can enroll Seacret Agents and Preferred customers. Because rank advancement is based on business volume (BV) OR the amount of people in your tree, we can expect rapid promotions and cash bonuses in the new year. Message me via ContactIanParkin me if you have questions.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:51:48 +0000

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