My Thoughts for the Day: NEW YAWK 8/14 Its gorgeous outside!! - TopicsExpress


My Thoughts for the Day: NEW YAWK 8/14 Its gorgeous outside!! Crisp air, birds chirping, and my face filled with a healthy glow that doesnt include sweat. Ahhhh, you really are coming soon, Fall! (favorite season, obviously) Well, my little Hershey bar was such a good boy last night. No random face landings and no ankle attacks. The only thing that I wasnt happy about was that he didnt cuddle with us last night. I cant believe how sad and frustrated I got. I told John that we got a broken kitty and I was going to trade him in for a different model. John looked at me and said, shhhhhhhh! I was OBVIOUSLY kidding, but then I got paranoid and thought Hershey understood what I was saying and didnt come into our bed at all last night. However, he was as loving as ever this morning. Phew! Close call. I wonder if this woman on the train could perhaps take her newspaper and unfold it any more into my face. Maybe she can find a centerfold and make the paper even bigger. Dont worry about me, maam, I heard ink is good for the skin. I have been noticing for quite some time how more and more opportunities are coming my way. How more of what Im passionate about doing and sharing is spreading. I am not doing anything different in the external world but internally, Ive stopped putting so much pressure on myself. Ive stopped wondering how its going to show up or what will or if it will. Ive stopped worrying about the end result and have just focused on doing what feels good and feels right within. If I dont feel like writing, I wont. If I dont feel like making a video, I wont. That doesnt mean that I am being lazy, but rather, Im paying attention to when my creativity is coming from a deeper place and it wants to be shared rather than an egoic place that just wants me to be loved. Ive literally stepped out of my own way, stopped fighting the current, and just am learning to lay on my back and allow the stream to carry me. Eyes wide open, of course, enjoying the scenery as I go. One of us isnt more special than the next. We all have something beautiful to offer but some fight it more than others do. Some just expect or know its going to happen and so they just go about doing things everyday that move them in the direction they need to take for it to happen. Thats the difference, I believe, than the ones who dont achieve whatever it is that they want to. Its simply stepping out of your own way. Long winded much today, Shari? And here I thought I was going to skip writing today because I has nothing to say. I keep getting these emails from head hunting companies from when I moved here and was submitting my resumes. Whats funny is that I keep getting them from this one company that obviously thinks Im a rockstar at everything. Even things Ive never tried. Hey Shari! We looked at your resume and think you would be perfect for these companies that are looking for a graphic designer (I cant even make a pie chart), a financial analyst (the only thing I can analyze are my finances which are non existent which makes that easy to figure out), IT Audit Manager (ummm, I want to throw my computer out the window most of the time), Sales Fitness Manager (Have they seen me?), and fill in the blank with any other RANDOM NOT REMOTELY QUALIFIED for job. I mean, Im all about trying new things but these are faaaaaaar stretches and just plain silly. Maybe you wouldnt have to spam people all the time if you actually LOOKED at the resumes and tried finding real matches. Just sayin... Obviously, I was holding that in. Who knew. lol Screaming child. No, thank you! Ill stick to my moody kitty. I wish all the deeply hurting people in the world knew how very loved they are and that that love was actually able to penetrate the darkness they feel. It could if they would be able to let it in. It hurts my heart to know that there are so many that are crying in silence. People describe sky as being grey, but that is not really true.The sky is always blue. Grey clouds come and temporarily cover the blue, but those dark clouds, just like those dark moments in your life always pass. We must remember that beneath it all, we are strong and brave and capable of handling anything! We must drop the illusion that we are imperfect because of imperfect things that have happened to us. I would just like to say that I foregone going out tonight for cocktails to buy my little guy some toys and some good food. I know, I know. Im a saint. I really feel like a Mom now sacrificing my own wants for the greater good of my child. Lol Theres been so much chaos happening in the world right now and I truly believe that it is a calling for us all to wake up! We need to stop thinking we are the only ones that are important and only OUR needs are worthy of being met. We need to realize that we are ALL children of the Universe and what hurts one persons soul, ultimately hurts us ALL. We need to stop thinking that others have to believe the way we do and respect one anothers choices, even when they differ from our own. We need to stop seeing each other as competition and realize that we ALL are meant to shine and the Universe is abundant enough for us all to do so. We must learn to believe that the only lack in the world comes when we stop giving and sharing. We must learn to let go of our attachment to stuff and stop hoarding it all as if that will bring us some sort of happiness and fulfillment. We will know true happiness and fulfillment when we get back to who we really are and that IS and ALWAYS will be LOVE. Until we realized these basic truths, I believe we will continue to have wars, poverty, environmental issues, and violence. It is time for us to finally open our eyes and see what is truly happening AND take action before our eyes get shut for good. Maybe I can convince John to take me our for drinks since Im such a good sacrificer. We can hide Hershey in my purse so we dont have to be away from him. ;)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:00:53 +0000

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