My Yoga Journal #28 part b Yoga teaches me to embrace and trust - TopicsExpress


My Yoga Journal #28 part b Yoga teaches me to embrace and trust my intuition. So many events and unplanned for circumstances arise in our lifetime that knock us off our feet. Such events such as failed relationships, financial setbacks, and other uncomfortable shifts - (especially ones that we thought would make us happy like the birth of a child or completion of a project) - can make us ask, “Why didn’t I see that sooner? I could have saved myself a lot of time, suffering, etc.” And from these events, we can begin to doubt our intuition and lose faith in our inner compass. But it’s often not wrong intuition, but the resistance to listening to our inner voice that can cause a rift between our dharmic path and autopilot. The cure is mindfulness developed through yoga and meditation. I think back to college, when I had the opportunity to study at one of the only colleges in my area who offered a music therapy degree. My intuition said, “yes, this is the perfect plan for you.” My mind said, “what kind of a job would you get with that degree? Better study something with a future, like nutrition.” I listened to my mind and moved forward on a path that never quite felt right. And now, after having graduated, I am in a field that utilizes more sound healing than nutrition. Funny how that worked out :) I don’t regret the path I traveled, but recognize it as a cycle for me to trust what is of the mind and doubt what is of the heart. How do we know what is intuition and what is mind, then? Intuition is usually the idea that comes without effort, that we usually try to talk ourselves out of. If the difference between the two is still cloudy, I find that setting an intention around clarity, then sitting in silence with my breath and energy centered in my heart creates some space around the area in question. So now, I listen and trust my intuition, even if it doesn’t make sense to people around me or my rational mind. I honor that important part of myself - the part that took me to my first yoga class, urged me to teach yoga, led me to sing, share and record mantras, and led me to write these words on this page in this moment in time for you to read.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:52:45 +0000

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