My answer to a post from my younger brother. I am making this post - TopicsExpress


My answer to a post from my younger brother. I am making this post Public in case anyone cares to share our thoughts. Kirk: Over the past 8 years Ive been warning people about the state of our country. Ive been ignored, blocked, unfriended, called a fear monger, and on and on ... because I felt it very important to enlighten people to facts. Me: That is the life of a radical. And yes, we are now the radicals, simply by wanting America restored, the Constitution restored, the government restored, faith and family restored. Its the price we pay for vigilance. Kirk: Today people dont want to hear facts. They dont want to spend time thinking because it makes their head hurt. Most people just want to look at the world in mostly rose colored glasses and sing praises to the glorious leadership in our Federal Government. They want to pass along jokes, watch funny videos, share mindless tidbits about their lives, and take pictures of food theyre about to eat. Me: Yes, thats true. They are the peaceful majority and were so eloquently marginalized by Brigitte Gabriel in this video: (https://youtube/watch?v=iI74lOgfxk4). The only people that really matter in the long run are those that stand up and fight for what is right. Those who rail against the injustices of the government *and* society -- and try to *do* something about it! Even if its only trying to get some people educated; in fact, that is probably *the* most important part. It matters very little if you run for office and try to change it that way -- look at how many have tried! If the voting public remains ignorant, blind, deaf, dumb, and blissful, then there is no hope for our country. But if even *some* of us attempt to educate them, explain what is happening, show ways to overcome it, then there is no stopping them! Kirk: So, officially after this post, I will no longer share any comments, essays, or facts about the devastating state of our union. Flaming liberals can live in their fantasy world, continuing to ignore the ever increasing signs of our nations demise. Each sign numbs them to the next more devastating sign, which then numbs them to the next even more devastating sign. You are on your own. Me: Giving up doesnt help you, or anyone else. Its the lone voice crying out into the darkness, challenging the abyss, that provides hope to others. When another voice is added to your voice, and then another, and another -- the country will change. When those of us who are passionate about America, passionate about the Constitutional Republic, passionate about our God-given rights stop speaking out -- where, then, will be the hope for others? It matters not whether you silence your voice, or someone else tries to silence you; the effect is the same: more and more hopelessness will grow, other lone voices will start to go silent, and then the death of America is assured. Kirk: I cry for my son and daughter. I cry for my nephews and nieces. I cry for all the innocent children of hard working, honest, God loving families. Their lives are forever and irreversibly changed. Im thankful that Ive had the opportunity to live most of my life in true freedom. Me: When you give up, you seal their fates, irrevocably. Only by speaking out boldly, and in defiance of governments wishes will we have a chance of changing their fates. We must continue to *show* them how to fight for, and win, their freedoms back! If our generation falls silent, the next generation will face enslavement, fear, uncertainty, doubt, hunger, and all the other negative effects of succumbing to totalitarian rule. And then, their only recourse will be to armed revolution. But will they even know that is an option? Kirk: Today marks two milestones in the final stages of our once greatest nation on earth: Ebola is in Dallas, and disease ridden immigrants have been assigned refugee status. Me: The American people, when unleashed in freedom, will be able to overcome all obstacles we face now, just as weve done in the past 200+ years. But they will need to be prodded constantly until freedom is once again ascendant. We cannot give up! We must fight to our last breath to teach, explain, and show all the blind and blissful people where they are heading and how to change course. Kirk: To all those people who refused to engage in political discourse, turned their nose up at urgent warnings, and voted in the most deceitful, unpatriotic administration this nation has ever seen ... I hold accountable for our downward spiral. Me: Yes, the voting public is to blame -- but they had a lot of help getting to that ignorant state. The LPCs (Libbies/Proggies/Commies) have been working towards this goal since the early 1900s (from roots laid down in the mid to late 1800s). It will not be an easy, or fast, battle to overcome their treasonous plans, but the more people we can awake to their dangers, the better it will be. Giving up simply means awarding them the win which is a loss for everyone else. Kirk: Now in my final years, I will play the ignorance game. I will pretend all is well. All the warnings about threats and declining freedom dont matter to me any more. You will only see funny videos, jokes, brain teasers, and mindless banter on my Facebook page. Me: That will help no one, least of all, you! You know you cant really lay down and die (for that is what you would be doing!) because its just not in your nature. We are our fathers sons and, like it or not, he instilled in us a love of country, truth, and faith that I dont believe we can ignore -- at least, not for very long! Kirk: But I will privately pray for those innocent children, those voters so terribly misled, and for those who think politics is something to avoid. Me: That is something that is extremely important to do, even while fighting with all your might against the blackness arising from the abyss. But giving up will not make the prayers better, or more effective; it will just make them much closer to powerless. For while we pray for God to help us, He expects us to do our part to make the prayers effective. Kirk: Welcome to the world of the uninformed. Welcome to the world of blissful ignorance. From here on out, you will only see mindless rhetoric on my postings. Me: Fortunately, I dont think you are capable of mindless rhetoric! Your brain is always working at a fever pitch, and you would be bored silly if you tried to muffle it. Just imagine taking this to its ultimate destination: could you *really* sit around my firepit, with a cigar and Scotch in hand and talk about *recipes*? :-) And now for just a few comments from me. Yes, Ive often felt discouraged, beaten down, and lost. And, yes, Ive given up for an hour or two, and sometimes even a day or two, but I cannot maintain it. Dad always fought for what he thought was right, and I end up being ashamed of what he might think of me when I do quit, or try to quit. I am but a pale shadow of what he was, which only means I have to try harder to make him proud. Its often a thankless, mentally back-breaking exercise sometimes, but anything worth fighting for is worth fighting for with all your being... Kevin Nathan -- 30 Sep 2014
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 02:17:52 +0000

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