My apologies to everybody for taking SO long to post. But he - TopicsExpress


My apologies to everybody for taking SO long to post. But he started the fourth and final round on the 28th of August. Before he went back in he got to do what he had been anticipating all summer by going on The big slide. Which is this giant green and yellow slide that you ride down on burlap sacks. He went on it a handful of times and absolutely loved it. He went back in the day after and got another bone marrow biopsy and more chemo injected into his spine. They started chemo later that day and it ran twice a day for the next six days. Then, on the 2nd of September, at 11:20 p.m. the final drops of chemo went into his body. IT...IS...OVER!!! A few days after that he got some visitors from the make a wish foundation who stopped by just to see how he was doing, and they also brought him some gifts and treats. He got a Leonardo ninja turtle, he is obsessed with them after we had a chance to take him to see the movie before he went in also. They also brought him a car for Leonardo to drive, as well as his favorite candy and some chicken nuggets, which he didnt eat but ran through the fries pretty well. Then a couple days after that we got a chance to go on a walk to cure childhood cancer. It was a 3 mile walk and it was super hero themed which seemed fitting considering we have been pushing how much he is a super hero to all of us. He got a chance to meet Batman, Joker, Spiderman, The Iron Fist, Loki and some Star Wars characters. It was a bunch of fun. His blood took much longer than we thought it would to drop to zero then come back up. It really, REALLY took its toll on him this time. It was very hard to see. He had no energy, was just overall very depressed, wanted to constantly hide under moms puzzle blankie and just play with his iPad. Since he had to miss his first month of Kindergarten, we arranged, or should I say, the hospital arranged for a tutor to come in and help him so that he wouldnt be behind the other kids when he got a chance to get back. Then, after all the pain, all the tears, all the heartache, the hair loss, the vomiting, the bruises, the chemo, the line popping, the struggling with medicine, the paleness, the non existence of privacy, the poking, prodding, spinal taps, bone marrow biopsies...on the morning of the 24th of September, his nursed caught me in the halls while I was getting ready to head out for a bit told us that, it was time to go. All the agony turned to immediate joy as we was all over. He couldnt be happier and it is now ALMOST as if this whole disease never entered our lives. It is hard to try and go back to normal or at least what our new normal is going to be. He has been back to the clinic already and his blood counts were sky rocketing, he only had to take on medicine on Mondays and Tuesdays but other than that he is done with them, and on Wednesday we have to take him in so that his line can come out!!! The love and adoration we will ALWAYS have for the staff at Childrens Hospital in Minneapolis will never, ever have the proper words to explain it. Some of them are like family and we will never be able to properly thank them for the gift that they have given our family. The way they were able to keep us up at our lowest moments, the way the made him smile. There is not enough thanks. And to everybody that held benefits for him and who donated to our family to help us out. I dont think you all realize what you did for us. You all allowed us to stay by his side literally every single step of the way. When we had first went into the hospital, when he was having his line put in, we had time to talk about some things that needed some serious considering. One of those things was whether we were going to let our house go or not. But with all of the gifts and financial donations from everybody, not only did that worry go away in a heartbeat but from the benefit that Redstone had in itself paid for his treatment completely. And again, same as the staff at Childrens, the love we will ALWAYS have for all of you will be something that will never be able to be fully shown how much it meant to us. So thank you all again, to everybody who has been following his treatment from all over the world, Israel, Brazil and as far away as the good ol US of A. We never thought he would attract this much attention. We thank you for your great thoughts and prayers, and hope we never have to repay them, because if we do that means you will be going through this, but if that day does come, we will be first in line. Thank you all, we love you all, and we did it!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 22:05:31 +0000

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