My brother James Afedo writes, RANDOM THOUGHTS AND ADVISE TO MR. - TopicsExpress


My brother James Afedo writes, RANDOM THOUGHTS AND ADVISE TO MR. PRESIDENT AND HIS TEAM: The only way to shut your critics is to deliver on what they say you cannot deliver. They should continue to insult you and call you all sorts of names. It should not matter to you. Take those insults as a call to action and finish the Gas Processing Plant which will transform the power generations and supply sector with its accompanying catalytic impacts on all other sectors of our economy. Finish the water supply projects that meet up to 80% of the water supply needs of the country. Finish the third port project in the Western Region and the petrochemicals industry there. Finish the 200 community day SHSs or get close to finishing. Finish the new University in the Eastern Region. Finish the 10 new teacher training colleges. Finish the 1,000 plus CHPS compounds. Finish the Circle, Tema interchanges. Eliminate schools under trees. Make SHS education progressively free. Restore the stability to the cedi. Bring inflation back to single digit or close to it. And above all, win the next election one-touch again based on your results in government, to their chagrin. No, urge them on to their insulting best. It does not matter. The Ghanaian voter has eyes and can see. Yes, they called you incompetent, but you and your colleagues anchored the economy to its highest ever growth rate (15%) in 2011, a feat their competent government never even came close to. They called you incompetent but you and your team managed to reduce inflation from a high of 18% in 2009 to single digit and sustained it for the longest ever time in our history. This was their dream for 8 years in government as competent as they were. They called you incompetent but FDI to Ghana under your regime has been the highest ever in our history as a country. They called you incompetent but your government expanded the economy from a $16billion dollar GDP in 2008 to a current GDP of nearly $60billion in 6 short years. They call you incompetent but Ghanas economy continues to expand under your regime by more than 7% every year. The fact is that at least everyone in your government has a minimum of a Masters Degree, some from globally recognised Ivy League and Russel Group universities. If this is the crop they call incompetent, but have achieved the above results, then you have no reason to worry at all. In fact, when you have set such high targets for yourself and your government, they say they are too high and you cannot achieve it. Mr. President and team, cynics and skeptics are exceptionally good as criticising others and giving 101 reasons why your dreams cannot be achieved. But such people have no dream. Not a single thing if this world was built by a cynic or skeptic. So do not listen to them. It is better to set your targets beyond the sky and land on the roof top, than to do otherwise. So do not listen to them. Their profession is criticism. Their result is nothing. Even when the over 5 million Ghanaians chose you to become their president based on the above record, they called them all stupid for rejecting their candidate and party. Out of the shock and disbelief, they ran faster than Usain Bolt to the Supreme Court to seek to overturn the verdict of Ghanaians. That failed miserably. The truth is, they are badly bruised. Bruised beyond healing. So what do you expect of them? Nothing but more attacks, insults, vituperation, and many more. They did worse before the election but lost it. So do not delude yourself Mr. President and team. They will never stop. Instead, be prepared for even more of the same. In fact, they will rain insults on me for writing and posting this piece right here on this platform. But in all humility, none of them is better than me. Not in terms of education, talk less of professional experience. I am a self-made young man to the glory of God. So I really do not care. Please keep your eyes on the ball. Act decisively when your appointees go wrong. Fire those who need to be fired. Reprimand those who need to be reprimanded. Prosecute those who need to be prosecuted. And of course, elevate those who need to be elevated. More importantly, continue the actions to recover the Woyome and Waterville money and deal ruthlessly with those who are at fault. Speed up the action against those who were found culpable under the GYEEDA debacle. But please do not forget to deal with all others found to have connived to loot the state coffers in the name of judgment debt when His Lordship Justice Appau completes his work. Please implement his recommendations to the latter. No mercy for anyone. It will also help to call back the Ghana@50 Commission report and deal with all those culpable. Do not be lenient with anyone any longer. Crime has no time limit. If you see the egg of a cobra and you fail to break it, it will hatch, grow up and come and bite you. That is exactly what has happened to your government from 2009. Mr. President and team, you have exactly 2 years to prove them wrong again. Yes, 2 years. But it is doable. Do not let us down. Just do it! With the US$500million MCA, the World Banks US$156million, the US$1billion Euro Bond return, the US$1.5billion Cocobod loan and returns, and the many more already procured and currently being used to implement your projects, and with the strict guidance of the IMF technical team, I believe you will only have yourself to blame if you do not deliver those results. Not the vicious opposition and its numerous surrogates. The lesson in all these is simple. Just keep quiet. Smile at the insults. Inspire your incompetent team to deliver on the above targets. And calmly win the next mandate. I bet this potential outcome will be absolutely fatal to them. The impact will be worse than what occurred in 2012. Mr. President, the mark of a great leader is determined by how he responds to and guides his people out of difficulties into good times. If for nothing at all, President Barack Obama is a living example. Rwandas Paul Kagame is another. Brazils Lula Da Silva is yet another. I could continue. Just be guided by their experience and deliver the results. Your records will speak for you. For those whose stock in the political trade is insults, their insults will speak for them. Period! #MASTERPIECE
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:13:20 +0000

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