My cavity filling accidently comes off this morning forces me to - TopicsExpress


My cavity filling accidently comes off this morning forces me to find a dentist in UK. I am not quite sure about the price but must be much more expensive than my country. My wallet is bleeding now. It reminds me of a documentary I had watched few years ago, visited 5 capitalist democracy countries and make comparison of the National insurance system among them. In its opinions, Taiwan is the most close to perfect one! In 1990s,Taiwan studied all the Models in the world then give each citizen a equal access to medicare. In my country, no one go bankrupt for medicine or in a long time waiting list over weeks. Each of us have a smart card to help doctors trace our medical record and prevent people from over medicine consumption meanwhile. But must be honestly, no system is perfect. Our National Insureance face the financial deficit problem as many other counries. Most of the doctor and nursing aides are suffering from the overloadings in hospital which might be more close to a sweatshop. What else make me bleeding is, how about disadvantaged people in the countries without National Insurance? The saddest answer I heard today is waiting for die. 今早起床不小心用牙線剔掉了蛀牙的補丁現在牙齒呈現一個洞可以放很多東西進來蛀成更大洞的狀態..... 因為打聽在英國看牙醫的費用不小心和大夥聊起了台灣被全世界羨慕的全民健保還有多年前看的一部記錄片, 片中評鑑了許多先進國家的健保制度,對於台灣能用這麼少的錢讓每個人都看得起醫生以及人手一張行動病歷表的健保卡更是嘖嘖稱奇, 為國爭光不只要帶沙茶醬還要帶健保卡阿阿阿!!! 但我不知為何一點為國爭光的優越感都沒有, 反而是一種無助感油然而生....在別的地方看病很貴這件事情我一直知道, 但有人站在你面前跟你說我們國家大部分的人都看不起醫生, 公立醫院的品質很差, 真得很嚴重的病我們都花錢去私立醫院(兩手一攤) 那其它百分之90看不起醫生的人呢? 另外一件事情就是飲食習慣導致疾病這件事情, 如果沒錢辦健保的國家要不要考慮禁止販賣零食給6歲以下的兒童, 體重超過一百不准去麥當勞之類的, 最好還規定所有不健康的食物上面都要跟香菸一樣貼警語!! 天阿我今天好憤怒阿阿阿~ https://youtube/watch?v=ebqzq_-usNE
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 18:52:50 +0000

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