My family and I went to Shah Alam city center for late dinner just - TopicsExpress


My family and I went to Shah Alam city center for late dinner just now. So while searching for available restaurants in Section 13, Mr. Hubby drove along the TTDI Jaya main road and we stopped by Petronas nak isi minyak. Then we drove along the road near Stadium Melawati. While cruising along the unusually very quiet road, ada la this motorcyclist ride just next to our car and signal something kat tepi kereta. Im positive that theres nothing wrong with the car so I asked Mr. Hubby to quickly drive towards Concorde Hotel Shah Alam. I have to admit that I was panicking when that guy followed our car until he took another turn towards Tesco Shah Alam. That was our first experience after been reading about the same tactics used to rob the unsuspecting drivers. So we decided to have dinner at Satay Station in Plaza Shah Alam. Once the car was parked, I went out and cepat2 check kereta. Rupa2nya memang betul la theres something wrong with the car. Ceh. Hubby tak tutup cover tempat isi minyak tu rapat2. Tak pasal2 je berdosa coz fikir yg bukan2 kat mamat motorcyclist tu. Tapi memang suspense. Huhu.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:53:19 +0000

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