My fellow Iowa progressives: Step back from the “electability” - TopicsExpress


My fellow Iowa progressives: Step back from the “electability” and “inevitable” KoolAid for a minute. If you support Hillary Clinton in 2016, you will be disappointed, angered and saddened virtually every day of a second Clinton Administration. Politico carried a story that Wall Street views Hillary Clinton as their secret weapon based upon the ties that she forged with the financial community while she was the U.S. Senator from New York. Her husband sold out all of us in the industrial Midwest when he pushed through NAFTA. Dick Gephardt lost his Democratic majority in the House in 1994, not because of the Contract with America, but because the blue collar members who were browbeat by Bill Clinton into voting for NAFTA lost. Ask Dick Gephardt. This is the 20th anniversary of NAFTA. None of the promised benefits have accrued to us, on the contrary, they have only accrued to the capitalists and investors who moved manufacturing jobs from Iowa towns like Cedar Rapids, Fort Dodge, Sioux City and other Midwestern blue collar towns like St. Louis, to Mexico. Hillary Clinton will continue the trade giveaways, with Bill again selling snake oil to skeptical blue collar Democrats to vote against their own economic interests to “grow” the global economy. None of you should forget that Bill Clinton, yes Bill Clinton, signed the repeal of Glass Steagall, which opened the way for Wall Street to consolidate, then bundle junk mortgages as AAA securities and double down with credit default swaps. We have returned to era of bank panics, like the 1800s, when Wall Street greed crashed the economy every 8 - 10 years. Hillary Clinton is the handmaiden of Wall Street. Under the weak tea of Dodd - Frank, another crash is inevitable. Neither Clinton has ever or will ever turn on Wall Street. Hillary will only use Wall Streets money to try to convince us that she is a progressive. Dont watch her lips, watch her FEC reports. Hillarys campaign contributions will show her true loyalties, and they are not with those of us struggling to make ends meet. Finally, how many more wars do you want to fight? Hillary voted for the Bush wars. She will need to show that she has bigger balls than the boys, so expect more military saber-rattling, not less. And what about extraordinary rendition? Gitmo? Waterboarding? More CIA “signature” drone strikes in sovereign countries that we are not at war with? NSA warrantless spying? Around the clock electronic surveillance? Hillary Clinton has consistently advocated for the tougher hawkish path, the show of force, over the peaceful alternative. Do you really want to surrender to “1984” in your lifetime? We need a President who curtails the abuses of power, not one who will institutionalize them. Whatever is wrong with America, Hillary Clinton is not the answer.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 02:28:28 +0000

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