My first serious job earned me some N25,000 a month. My - TopicsExpress


My first serious job earned me some N25,000 a month. My contemporaries in banks earned a minimum N90,000 per month then. We all spoke the same English and were chasing the same class of babes but the language of the pocket was very different. Their pockets spoke fluent English while mine just spoke English. The man whom I worked for was however the difference. He taught me principles of career progression, entrepreneurship, and had me take on over-the-top assignments to execute all by myself. I wondered how so much was expected of me back then but was very encouraged at his interest in my future than the language of my pocket. I however, was also a problem to myself. My typical babe had to have her brains heavily wired, functional and not just a face painting figure 8. I can confidently say that I never dated an olodo then. Friends you know how they come! My pocket was under performing but my boss by Gods grace was making the other values he taught me count. So, no money but I managed to have fun. I moved on to the banks and the other jobs and I can confidently submit today that the pursuit of money for happiness is a dream killer. With all due respect to prosperity preachers out there, if your congregation has the possession of large volumes of money as a sign of prosperity, you are presenting to them shattering mental depression on a platter of gold. It is a lie from hell and a grand deception. It is why the highest number of church goers are on Mainland in Lagos (Alimosho, Oshodi Isolo, Kosofe and Ifako Ijaiye LGs) but socio-economic wealth and power reside across the 3rd Mainland bridge where you have just about 8% of the entire population. Some churches can never be situated beyond the Iyana Oworo axis of the 3rd Mainland Bridge because they teach members Mainland principles of prosperity which is essentially tied to some expectations of a magical windfall that makes them automatically rich. They gamble 20 to 30 years of their lives on hopes that may never materialise and so many die poor and utterly dejected. The other folks are usually socially better off. They help each each other quicker, help with money requests faster without worries and live in good health. They believe that to rule the guys on the other side of 3rd Mainland you needed to have a sound mind. They prioritise investments in education and tighten social networks. They never have public fights, they never drive rough, they culture themselves to the demands of civilisation and oftentimes get what they want. They also want and desire money but they dont go raw on the battlefield. They mask it efficiently and so their intentions are often hidden and attract less resistance. This class of people know that mobey must never be the focus of a life ambition. One last thing, their churches seem to worship a different God who doesnt seem to need hearing aids to perform wonders or loud cries and aggressive chants to deliver. A strong and respectful interpersonal skill may be all that a man needs to make it. For many, it may be their failure to adopt discipline as a life principle that leaves them poor. Viewing centers are everywhere on the Mainland because football has also been prioritised over deep and impressive intellectual thought. How many joints and beer parlours do you find on Banana Island? How many do you find on Adeola Hopewell? Oba Akran has a minimum 5 joints. Allen Avenue to Opebi is the epicenter for night crawlers. There is almost no serious business district on the Mainland that does not mix business with vain pleasure. The battle is won in the mind and unfortunately, many have lost it already.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:18:09 +0000

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