My friends, if I had any power in this world, I would immediately - TopicsExpress


My friends, if I had any power in this world, I would immediately halt all Western incursions into the politics of any other region. I am a firm believer in self-determinism; not just for individuals, but for entire nations and cultures. This, of course, does not apply to Western aid for displaced persons, starving and injured victims of war, or other disaster relief. I am sensing a global trend towards regionalism - not to be confused with nationalism mind you - and, perhaps, this is the course of action we need to pursue. Each region is experiencing its own set of problems, whether or not caused or influenced by religious differences, lack of proper resources, lack of education, or disparity in human rights, their problems are quite individual to their regions. Our friend Laminar Kamiludeen Omotoyorsi, has requested assistance answering his questions on how to pursue peace in Nigeria. The solutions for Nigeria differ somewhat from the solutions for other areas of conflict around the globe, but there are some solutions which are global: 1) RELIGION: We must respect each others right to believe in whatever religion they choose to believe - theocracy simply does not work - ever. Theocracy demands that all people under its control believe ONE THING and one thing only. That is not possible in a modern society. That is not possible in an age of information. It is also just not reasonable. We must learn to coexist. To my mind, there is no religion better than the other. They are all flawed by outmoded, outdated, and archaic thinking. Even our dear Pope Francis has addressed this issue. 2) ENVIRONMENT: The environment has been severely compromised by mankinds abuse of fossil fuels. People MUST understand that the worlds resources are literally drying up because of climate change. Developing nations MUST recognize that although they need cheap sources of energy such as coal and petroleum to develop their infrastructures, that the continued use of those sources of energy will only hasten the destruction of the earths environment. One only needs to look at the skies over Beijing, the skies over Athens, the skies over Mexico City to see the damage of rampant use of fossil fuels to our environment. The severe droughts around the globe have lead to mass migrations of people from their native homelands to neighboring regions, which are unable to support or sustain the influx of refugees from drought stricken areas. Agriculture is suffering, which means that food production in those regions is falling drastically. Livestock cannot survive without food, so all food sources are being severely impacted. 3) EDUCATION: All people of this earth - man, woman, child, MUST receive a SECULAR education to survive in our modern world. If a culture wishes to continue to school their children in the faith of their choosing that is a personal matter and should not be underwritten or supported by government. It is with EDUCATION that all of the other problems inflicting this earth can be resolved. With education new sources of energy will be discovered, new ways of addressing the infrastructures of developing regions will be found. 4) EQUALITY: Understand this: all people should be treated as equals. We may not be born in the same place, in the same time, in the same culture, in the same faith, but all people are equal in that we are HERE. If we are HERE we are all here for the same reason: to live. In closing - let us learn to coexist in Peace.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 19:35:41 +0000

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