My good friend Refilwe, who is doing a PhD in Economics, just - TopicsExpress


My good friend Refilwe, who is doing a PhD in Economics, just asked me why I come off so anti-American. Given the way she asked, I really had to think about that question for a bit. But I resolved it ultimately comes down to bitterness. I was just thinking, you know, I am a descendant of Africans who were enslaved in America; many of us understand that fact but dont really let it sink in. Our ancestors had experienced one of the very worst calamities in the history of human existence, only to be downplayed by mainstream and internet bigots. That alone is certainly enough to incite retaliatory hatred. I couldnt imagine even if I tried what that experience must have been like, though being as connected as I am with my ancestors, I understand the extent of such great injury. Though, for me, this isnt the root of my bitterness. I thought to myself perhaps it is the legacy, of which I do have a keen and intimate understanding. Perhaps, having been harassed and guns pulled on by bigot f*cking cops or having white administrators at predominantly white elementary, middle and high schools attempt railroad me into the gutter, business as usual in white supremacist america, would be enough to instill sufficient loathing for that place. But no. I think I have determined my bitterness comes from understanding the degree of American wastefulness. My ancestors built that country from nothing; the wealth accumulated provided america with a strong military and economic basis which has capable of influencing the development of the rest of the world. Unfortunately the control of that privilege has NEVER been in the hands of the people who created it or their descendants. Furthermore, we have never been in a position to even benefit from that privilege. As I was discussing this with Refilwe, I mentioned there is power in economics to build colonies to conquering states or topple empires. In the case of America, we have seen free labor extracted from my ancestors to build the country to greatness over the course of 300 years between 1565-1865. To add further insult, as Michelle Alexander has explained, my people still have free, or nearly free, labor extracted from them through the prison industry. I think my bitterness is the result of understanding the magnitude of all of this and seeing my people still living in squalid conditions. America has begun a socio-economic decline; her dominance will soon be undermined by other rising geopolitical powers, namely China. In all of this, some Americans have become fantastically wealthy while the country falls to shambles. And as I explained to Refilwe, it seems America will inevitably become a 3rd world country within this century. Herein lies the crux of my indignation; my ancestors built that country only for it to be squandered away, leaving no benefit for my people.. none previously, none now, and none in the future. We African so-called americans have wasted our time and efforts on that country, first forcibly but now willingly; our ancestors died for nothing and our people are still american dreaming. And that makes me bitter!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:59:57 +0000

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