My heart hurts from all this division on both sides. So I know - TopicsExpress


My heart hurts from all this division on both sides. So I know there are others out there today feeling like no one gets them and that Christmas hope may be hard to come by. But I hope that by the end of this you will be inspired and hopeful.. THIS is not debate, not discussion. Neither is blaming the talking heads and the political puppets for being guilty of murder by proxy. This is instead, a ransoming of a viable solution in lieu of a tantrum designed to annoy and frustrate the populace into a decision of their ideology. A DANGEROUS tantrum rooted in the give me what I want or else. It seems both the conservatives (who act like children vying for attention) and the liberals (who have so many grievances that no one can keep them straight) alike want to be right so much they forgot that what is right is whats best for the country. And herein lies the hope and the peace. I understand what America really is because i encounter the best parts every day. Each of you whom I know in real life and on Facebook are valuable. Precious. Astounding. Together we are substantial, tangible and sure. We are wiser than our leaders, too free to be enslaved by cultural mishaps, smarter than those who would oppress us from afar and stronger than anything on Earth when united. You see pretty soon the rage and hurt will subside as well as the sorrow of those not directly in line with an of the trigger incidents in the last few months. And just when the hammer is about to fall, just before the country is alleged to fall we will all hold it together. Because that is what Americans do best. We adapt and grow because we get out of our own way better than anyone. And to get past this in our way we will need to kill our egos and our mouths just long enough to recognize that America and her people are WORTH saving. When we get there we WILL decide yes emphatically. And compromise (and the meaning of it, not to mention negotiation) will then rear its head in the most fair way. After all, what made many landowners, once unwilling to release slaves for economic reasons primarily was the simple land rebates and subsidies for crops. A concept very simple to negotiate but because there was too much animosity between the sides, because there was too much tradition to change. We HAVE to understand that what IS in the best interest of our citizens is that neither side can have all they want or take their ball and go home. We MUST understand that some ideas from each side with a common goal moving forward is without question better than a gridlock of ego, the need to be right and political posturing and a no tolerance attitude for the other side. When these things lead the way it is clear that there is no goal, there is nothing common binding us together at all. But I have so much hope because throughout our history as a nation, when we needed growth or spurred to action it was always provided. With Civil Rights in the 50s-60s it was with less calamity than the Civil War, In WWII it took Pearl Harbor. Maybe this time we can wake up and get this done without tragedy growing exponentially. I see smiles. I see a genuine effort by people from different social and economic classes and they are getting along. In so many ways we have advanced beyond title, station and occupation to see what and more importantly who has given love back.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:59:19 +0000

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