My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families following - TopicsExpress


My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families following yesterday boat tragedy at Siginga. Bunyala is mourning....but is it really the right time to point fingers and castigate the current leadership? Yes, I agree the bridge is needed like yesterday; the calamity has underscored the need of this most important infrastructure being put in place. We are talking of over KSHS 1B here, making government the primary financier of this very project. And the government goodwill comes in handy here, it aint some rocket science....lets stop waffling over this whole thing and understand the fact that our unity and togetherness as a community shall make us prosper! Lets vouchsafe to help the bereaved in this most trying time of their life. I believe Hon. Ababu has got this project in his heart, hes a servant with gentlemanly mien. Lets trust and give him the necessary support he needs from us. Its time for us to incinerate this political bigotry and work together as a community. Once again, condolences to the families.... # UnitedBunyalaprosperousbunyala!!!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:33:26 +0000

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