My housemate Daryl Law was nominated for the ALS Ice Bucket - TopicsExpress


My housemate Daryl Law was nominated for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge which led to our friend Treble Tan being nominated which led to anther housemate Harry Yoh being nominated which led to me being nominated. Everyone news the drill now heres the link to whats happening( I hereby nominate my brother Gale Jing Hern Khoo, my cousin Jing Sheng Chng and my housemate Wei Jie Chua. Milaine Thia too cuz u LOOK LIKE a nice person. I will donate to the cause. Now prior to this, someone raised this question of whether it is ethical to do this. From a consequentialist point of views, it does help. Regardless of how people feel or what they do, the ALSA still gets the money to help the people. But what if there are hidden effects that are not so good? Since its kinda for fun or this might result in the mentality that I might feel bloated after doing this feeling that Im such a great person or I might be doing this just for show or it might cultivate the mentality that Im doing this charity because its fun but not the other charities because theyre not as exciting. As Olly said in Philosophytube ( ) whenever we donate to a charity, were essentially depriving other charities from the help we can give. There was even a photo showing the challenge versus thirsty kids in Africa but honestly I dont see how the water is gonna go to them even if people dont do the challenge. On the other hand, from this campaign has really been proven to be effective. And I see no conflict between having fun and doing charity. Theyre not mutually exclusive. And the mere fact of me saying all these raised the question of how differently we see charity compared to other enterprises. Pay a few hundred for a bungee jump and people will do it. Pay a few hundred for bungee jump for charity and people will start to question you. And this is actually very unfair to charitable organizations as they dont get to be on the same level of playing field as commercial enterprises. Invest in business and earn money and lose money and people dont care. Invest in charity and fail and face condemnation of being unethical. As mentioned in this a tedtalk video by Dan Pallotta Some people might say that people with sentiments like mine are overthinking (just do it and donate and were helping people right?). But this brings us to another question. If this enterprise really results in an adverse effect, I would partly be responsible for it as I, being able to analyse the situation, decided not to do it for fear of being labelled as overthinking. Even the mere fact of me posting this might garner labels like smartass or philosopher but f**k that theyre not the point.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:19:40 +0000

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