My husband taught me that thank you and Im sorry are the two - TopicsExpress


My husband taught me that thank you and Im sorry are the two greatest statements to live by in any human relationship. I believe that they are so much more powerful than I love you. If you are truly grateful to your spouse, not only on good days or for doing nice things for you, but also for being your partner and walking forward in life with you through the good and bad, that is the entire basis of your relationship. And because we are human, we all make mistakes that offend and hurt each other, sometimes very deeply. Being sorry doesnt mean uttering Im sorry and forgetting about it. Rather it means making concrete changes in yourself that will allow you to move forward and mend what has been broken. I love this because, after believing in Allahs absolute Oneness, these are also the exact two principles you need as a basis to your relationship with Him: Gratefulness and Repentance. Saying, believing and enacting Alhamdulillah leads you to a kind of appreciation that breeds immense love. And repentance entails continuously changing and struggling to be a better person each day. Keep your relationships with people and with Allah (swt) strong with thank you and Im sorry. via Asmaa Hussain..
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 10:11:13 +0000

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