My kids and I on stage at a concert with The Beach Boys, as well - TopicsExpress


My kids and I on stage at a concert with The Beach Boys, as well as my portrait for them. (2009) Below is the foreword for my upcoming book, written by a friend and one of my greatest inspirations, The Beach Boys lead singer, Mike Love. They say a picture is worth a thousand words… In the case of Jim Warren’s art, a million words would be insufficient to convey the depth and breadth of Jim Warren’s genius. A line from a poem I once wrote goes “How could poor pen and paper hope to tell a tale of love”. And how could mere words describe such sheer talent. But somehow starting with a sketch on paper sometimes aided by a photo or coming from his reservoir of unbounded imagination there culminates on canvas his end product of incredible beauty. His gentle and unassuming manner belies the amazing talent he possesses. When Jim asked if I would care to write a few words about his art for his new book, I indeed was honored and at the same time humbled by the prospect of such a task. Along with my cousin Brian Wilson, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity of creating many of the Beach Boys greatest hits. The lyrics, harmonies and feel of many of these recordings have, in a wonderful way, touched the hearts of so many over the years. Art and music share many similarities; the qualities of inspiration and imagination, ultimately lead to the manifestation of either a song or a painting. Years ago, I learned from a master of meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a technique called Transcendental Meditation. Transcend means- to go beyond. It has been said, that one can transcend through any of the senses. Through taste, touch, smell, hearing and in the case of art, the sense of sight. And this is where Jim Warren joins a very select group of creative geniuses. Those artists, whom over the centuries have transported we humans to a place of wonder and deeper appreciation of creation itself. Jim Warren has generously stated that there is an artist in all of us. That is perhaps, to some degree true. But to witness his level of artistry is to be awed by his brilliance. Jim Warren’s art is masterful in that so much of his creativity can transport the beholder to a place of transcendent beauty. A place of pure inspiration and liberation from our often ordinary circumstances. Jim warren’s art is like love, flowing from the tip of his brush that he shares with the millions of us who are fortunate enough to be touched and inspired by what he has given and continues to give to the world. Love, Mike Love
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 22:26:22 +0000

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