My latest article. Feedback welcome: A letter to Parents of UK - TopicsExpress


My latest article. Feedback welcome: A letter to Parents of UK Muslims : Helping the Muslim Youth In the name of Allah the very kind the very merciful I praise Allah for all his mercy and goodness. And for guiding humanity back to goodness in all regions of this planet. And give thanks to him for sending us messengers and prophets to guide humanity with, the last of whom is Mohamed peace be upon him and his family. Dear parents of Muslim youth. Some of you may not know what is happening with the Muslim youth of today and why they are behaving the way they do. You may be fighting with them trying to get them to stay calm and not listen too much to men with long beards and get them to think the same way you think ie focus on earning a living and getting married and living a normal life. And you might find that they hate this type of advice because they see lots of injustice perpetrated on the Muslims and see you as impotent and scared to speak out against it in public and just want to keep the current status quo. So they lose faith in you and your thinking and go in search of finding someone who really understands them and who is not scared to be open and speak publically and address the issues that bother them. So you end up losing your children and someone else ends up taking them. The result is that those people who take them not all of them have sound thinking. And not all of them have good hearts. Some know how to speak to youth so as to capture them but intend to use them for their own purposes. They know how to arouse the youth and how to capture their mentality (eg speak about the suffering of Muslims etc and you will own them). And some of those men have good hearts and are sincere but their thinking is wrong. Their understanding of Islam is wrong. But they are not aware of that themselves. Because they see many around them thinking in this same way. You may also find that those who do have a good understanding of Islam being labeled sell outs by the mainstream people. And you may find people who really are sell outs because they want to follow the agenda of the government and get paid in one form or another or get elevated in position and get given organisations to head. And on top of that you may find bearded men planted to speak in an extremist way deliberately to capture vulnerable youth and so help identify potential extremists for the governments. Basically the area is filled with so many unknowns and so much confusion that it is no surprise that may youth end up where they end up. So what can be done to help these youth? Firstly they should be aware what is the nature of the area they are playing in. Where they may be many who are after aquiring them and using them for their own interests, whatever they may be. Whether to fight a jihad outside or to work secretly for inteligence services inside etc. Whether those preachers have a good understanding of Islam or a terrible one etc. Whether they have a good heart or a terrible heart. Secondly just because many Muslims are being oppressed in this world doesnt mean that the right solution must be the one which is most violent. Its as if there is some magic that the preachers practice over the youth that make the youth think that the more violent and aggressive a person is the more likely he is following the correct Islam. The youth must not be taken in by that. Or that if they have a long beard and dress like arabs then they must be sincere. Rather than people disguised in order to deliberately decieve for instance. And they must also realise that during the times of extreme hard ships in Mecca the prophet and his companions never used violence, instead they bore the all the suffering and torture with patience. This is the Meccan phase of Islam. Where the islamic state had not yet arrived in medina. Like today there is no true islamic state. No caliphate. So violence in the meccan phase was not allowed. And we are supposed to follow the sunna (example) of the prophet arent we? So today in my view the interaction with humanity should be intellectual and non violent and based on patience and forbearance of any hardship that is thrown at us. This is for us in the West. Does the issue of going abroad to Syria for instance to help the suffering Syrians whom no one is helping even though the West likes to talk about freedom and democracy, does going abroad there mean that on coming back we start to be violent? No I dont believe so. As long as there is no caliphate , no true islamic state, then we are in the meccan phase in my view. And even if the caliphate returns Islam doesnt say to go and invade everyone. The aim in Islam is to spread the mercy of Islam not to spread invasion. And the mercy of Islam is in allowing humanity to see all philosophies of life and to choose freely between them, not to force a view or force invade anyone. This is in my view at least. An area that is good to start discussions in. What is the aim of Islam? You will see many, i believe, who see the aim as invading and taking over countries. So how is that a mercy to mankind then?? There is so much misunderstanding and corruption in our understanding of Islam that now whenever we act islamically we are almost guaranteed to fall into major mistakes. We need first to purify our understanding and make sure it really is correct, not just believe what any sheikh says, no matter who he is. We need to use our minds that Allah gave us. We need to stop blind following scholars and sheikhs just because they have the appearance of a pious person. And we must remember that Allah doesnt look at the appearance. Instead he looks at the hearts. But we seem to be worshipping the sheikhs and are deceived by appearances; whatever they say we accept. Thirdly, you parents need to start taking an interest in Muslim affairs globally and stop running after the dunya (the worldly life). Allah the most beautiful did not put us here to just make money and have kids and a house. It put us here in order to think. To think about why we are here and to try to find what the best way to live is and then live it. The reason there is so much suffering amongst Muslims today is because we stopped doing the right thing and started running after money. We stopped worshipping Allah sincerely and started worshipping money sincerely. Lets be honest with ourselves for just one time. So we need to repent to Allah and start again. Start being sincere to him. No more trying to deceive him and deceiving ourselves please. Time to wake up. And now that Ramadan is near by, it may be a very good time to do that and Allah always accepts sincere repentance. So we have nothing to worry about. All sins will be wiped out inshaAllah as long as we are sincere in returning to him. We must work on our hearts so that they become pure again. Like they were when we where children. And remove the corruption and hardening that later covered us. Look into sufism to help with restoring the heart. The main problem we may find is arrogance and false pride. Our ego. And once we correct ourselves with Allah then Allah most beautiful will make our relationship with our children good again i believe. As they will see that we have changed and are no longer dunya worshippers. And we will then more easily speak and listen to each other. So if we correct our relationship with Allah, then Allah the most beautiful will correct our relationships with everything and everyone else. Because then it will be more easy to follow his guidance. Wasalam Your brother Ali Twaij UK 24 jun 2014 Who is Ali Twaij: I am someone who was a Shia and then became a Sunni and then decided that both have flaws in them and then realised that you dont need to be either of them to be a Muslim. You just need to be a good Muslim with a good heart. So now I am neither shia or sunni. Just Muslim. I think this is how the prophet peace be upon him was. He is my example. I think all the prophets where just Muslim. Sects are not needed in my view. And maybe bidda (innovation). And I take my deen for all scholars of all sects. And I also reject from all scholars of all sects. I use my heart to decide what to take and reject. I follow the hadith Follow your heart even after the fatwas come to you. (استفتي قلبك و لو افتاك المفتون). And I follow the aya 18 from surat alzumer (39), Those who when listening to a speech follow the best of it ( الذين يستمعون القول فيتبعون احسنه)
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 10:14:56 +0000

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