My letter to Dr. Saleem I. Abdulrauf, MD, FACS President Walter - TopicsExpress


My letter to Dr. Saleem I. Abdulrauf, MD, FACS President Walter E. Dandy Neurosurgical Society In connection with his letter regarding the conflict in Gaza. Respected Sir, I am a budding Neurosurgeon from Chennai, India. I have been reading your Neurosurgical articles and I know you are one of the finest Neurosurgeons this planet have had. I respect you. Because of my upbringing environment (my father being a political activist), I have been listening and remembering about Iran - Iraq war since 1979 (thats when I started remembering things in life - not that only then the war started!) and later Israel - Palestinian war. Let me tell you that every Indian liked and respected the great Palestinian leader Late Mr. Yasser Arafat and India as a nation favors peaceful coexistence of Israel and Palestine. Sir, India is a great country with thousands of years of civilization with many cities having history of continuous human stalk in-habitation for thousands of years. Our relationship with Islam, our knowledge about Islam, our experiences about Islam. our experiences with Islam is as old as Islam. Personally I am a big sympathizer for Islam, I respect Quran. I feel it is one of the greatest texts human kind ever had. It is very useful for personality building and social unity. Sir, With my experiences with many Arabic patient and their relatives, I feel they are very lovely, simple, starlight forward people. Its very easy to make them understand some thing. Most importantly they are doers! Even if we want to make them understand something useless to do, and if they have smelled that it can be done, they favor doing it instead of sitting pretty and waiting for the unavoidable! Like, if there is a disseminated disease with multiple metastasis and we try to make them understand that removal of a large tumor alone is not going to make things any better; still they come back with suggestion to do the surgery! Sir, in my opinion, not only the crisis of Gaza - Israel but all over the world, wherever Muslim population is in formidable number (they are just fighting! - not only me, even the Pakistani leader late Mrs. Benazir Bhutto had accepted that in her book), it is about TWO facts (1) myopic local leadership (2) role of different super powers in the world. Sir, most important is the myopic local leadership. They do not have and long term plan. No constructive idea. They believe only in destruction, and thats the most painful things - destruction, destruction and destruction alone has become the outlook of the Islamic aggression all over the world!!!. These myopic leaders use twisted and corrupt analysis (like earth is hell and you will get heaven after death if you die for the cause of Allah) of Quran to misguide the simple people. Second important thing is the role of super powers in the world. We all know that Hamas dose not make even crackers on their own. They import from the same super powers who support Israel! Or at the most they might be pretending to hate Israel! But non of the super powers basically want Israel to be decimated. Saudi Arabia king is one of the biggest traitors in this regard. In history there has been bigger incidences like this at the behest of western provocation. All such activities have only helped the westerners in keeping their dominance and spoiled the local people involved. One of the glaring examples of spoiling the region by westerners is present India which was divided in to two - India and Pakistan in 1947 at the behest of Britishers! But what is sad is, local people, local leaders are not looking at the welfare of the masses. Health, education, housing . . . the basic amenities are no where in their agenda. They bombard to destroy houses, hospitals, schools . . . Sir, India and Indians, basically a peace loving country, never ventured in to others territory but every one starting from Alexander tried their hands here; mostly we could protect ourselves, some times we could not. When we could not (in 1192) our society started getting the taste of ruthless violence. But it still remained mostly ruled by high degree of consensus and not by mavericks like present many Islamic agitations. Since my childhood I remember fanatic activism of Islamic misguided people in our country. Sir, I am of the opinion that there has to be a movement among the muslim middle class, muslim intelligentsia all over the world . . . to upgrade the thought process of Islamic movements all over the world. Like in case of Israel - Gaza conflict, let Hamas declare NO FIRST ATTACK (even with stone) as a principle! Let the elevate the moral by declaring unilaterally that not only they will not attack first, they will not attack till minimum of 5 (let them give any other arbitrary number) people have been killed or injured severely due to any type of misdeed of Israel! I think that will bring lot of sympathizer to them as it was with the late leader Mr. Yaser Arafat. This will also strengthen and establish Islam as a peaceful religion! Sir, as I told above, an across the world movement among muslims is an urgent requirement to establish peace with other religions and avoid loss of thousands of lives. I feel you being one of the most vibrant intellectuals in the world, you will be the most suited person to lead such a middle class movement. Otherwise, for the sake of the myopic goals of the local leaders, they will keep spoiling our peace of mind, and we, the professionals will get troubled just because of our emotional attachment. I hope I have made things clear. I am in touch with many muslim intellectuals is this regard. In fact in India, there is increasing restlessness among muslims against the leadership of these maverick organisations both in India and outside. But we need to organize it and make it a movement. And let me tell you in advance that Americans will never like such a movement, they will only support and produce Hamas/ Osama Bin Ladens . . . But we need to do it, in favor of lasting peace of the world. I expect you to do something in this direction. Thanking you - Dr. Manish Kumar Chennai India.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 03:35:01 +0000

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