My life on campus $EPISODE 17 We both gazed at each other, - TopicsExpress


My life on campus $EPISODE 17 We both gazed at each other, overwhelmed with the guilt of my roommates death. I tried to figure out who might be knocking but all effort failed. “Please who is there?” I politely asked. “Is Emeka in?” The unknown person asked. “No, he’s not.” I dismissed the fellow. I was no longer comfortable with Bayo hanging out with me. I am still safe since no one knew about me being present where the gun was shot, I thought. I decided to take actions immediately, separating the cord that glued us together. “Bayo, I want to take my bath now.” I graciously said to discharge him out of my room. “Ok. Don’t stay too longer.” “You are funny” I said and asked, ”how does my bath have to do with you?” “Nothing. I just want us to be together.” I replied and grinned. Giving him a reply would only broaden the conversation and make my intentions known, so I ignored him. I undressed leaving only my pant on. I gazed at Bayo whose neck is tilted at an angle of depression. I tried to ascertain what he was lost looking at by matching his eyeball to the exact direction. I quickly did. I was shocked to find out that he was staring at the shape of the object bulging out of my pant. I swiftly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist to disrupt his disgusting view; ‘I am gay’ isnt written on his forehead. I decided to pick my clothes, my sneaker, my bag and forge out of the room. “Are you going to the bathroom with all those?” He asked with a bewildered look pointing to all I was holding. I looked at all I was holding and replied, “Yes. Any problem? That’s how I do my thing.” I left him wondering. I dropped my clothes, shoe and bag on a bench in front of the bathroom. I picked up a bucket and strolled down stairs to fetch water. I arrived to meet other guys ready to fetch water at the tap. They lined up their buckets like primary school pupils on assembly. My bucket was seventh on the queue and the water was dropping out of the tap like someone crying; too slow. I had no choice than to hang around and wait for my turn to fetch. I decided to join a guy who sat quietly on a short abandoned tank. “I am Banji.” I said, stretching forth my hand for a hand shake. “Buhari.” He replied, accepting my hand shake. “What are those guys arguing about?” I asked, pointing to some guys gathered chatting. “Haven’t you heard?” “Heard what?” I asked. “That some people were killed at Obasanjo hall yesterday.” He replied concerned. “I didnt o.” I lied and asked, “How did it happen?” “I heard it was a guy that shot his roommate. People heard him shoot twice yesterday night.” “I guess he must have been arrested by now, huh?” I cajoled him for more information. “No o! The guy ran away.” He sadly replied. “That guy own don finish because he is already rusticated even before facing the police.” “But we can’t be so sure if he was the one who shot his roommate.” I tried defending Bayo. “Free advice Banji, don’t talk about the case o, else you will implicate yourself.” Buhari adviced. “It’s a murder case and the school won’t take it trivially.” “Ok. I won’t. Thanks bro for the advice.” Buhari stood up, we shook and he went to fix his bucket under the tap, he was next. I kept brooding over what Buhari said for minutes before it got to my turn to fetch water. I fetched and hurried to the bathroom to bath. I dressed up and prepared myself in the bathroom. I tiptoed like a thief towards my room to confirm if Bayo was still present, I peeped through the window and saw him lying on my bed. I quickly retreated, spread my towel on the railing of the corridor and set out. I walked towards the school security office to report the case to them. I wasnt ready to be implicated and thereafter rusticated. I increased my pace every time I remembered Buhari’s advice. Police vans all over the place. I got to the security office seeing a lot of people gathered and scattered in respectively. I was scared, so scared that I thought to myself to go back. How can I go back when am almost an active participant of the crime action? I asked myself. Letting the security men aware of the criminal will keep me on a safe side, I supposed. I moved closer to the building and walked to a man dressed in the school security uniform. “Good morning, Mr Okanlawon.” I greeted. He surprisingly looked at me and asked, “how did you know my name?” “Your name tag Sir.” I replied, pointing to his chest. “Ok. Good morning.” He said and questioned, “what can I do for you?” “I want to see the Chief Security Officer.” I calmly said. “CSO? He is busy, so busy.” He replied. “Perhaps, students arent allowed here by this time.” “Please Sir, It is urgent and very important.” “Ok. What’s you name?” “Banji.” “Wait, am coming.” While I sat under a tree outside the security office waiting for Mr Okanlawon to return, I saw Kofo from afar walking along side with a boy to class. Kofo and the boy were too close to be just friends. I grabbed my phone in a jiffy and dialed her number while I fixed my eyes on her. She answered the call. “Kofo, where are you?” I bossily asked. “I am where I am.” She replied me. “Kofo, I said where are you?” I asked again with a deeper voice. She hung up the call and they both giggled. I guess they were making jest of me. I felt so bad. Should I go after her or should I wait for Mr Okanlawon to return? TO BE CONTINUED...
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:33:57 +0000

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