My major complaint for the day (Im sure smaller ones will follow) - TopicsExpress


My major complaint for the day (Im sure smaller ones will follow) : Doctors. When I call you and say, hey, thanks to what you call an unnamed autoimmune disorder Im in a terrible amount of pain because my right hand has become horrifically inflamed. It feels broken, looks like a friggin claw, and the issue is spreading up to my elbow. Would you please assist me? Then your nurse responds with, “The doctor says he will discuss this issue with you on Monday at your appointment. Until then increase your dose of pain medication. Because, you know, I hadnt thought of that, and didnt make it clear with the initial conversation that theyre not helping. Bah. And this entire time Ive seen this doctor, just like countless before him, Im a friggin experiment. Here, try this med, nope that doesnt work. Try this one, nope that made it worse. Try this one, oh my god what a horrible allergic reaction! Steroids quick! We dont know what is wrong. All we know is your body is attacking itself and destroying your joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Here, take this useless, expensive, highly addictive pain medication. Ill see you in six weeks. Thanks for nothing. Shit.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 21:46:18 +0000

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