My name is Kate , and I am a silver ambassador with Plexus. Just - TopicsExpress


My name is Kate , and I am a silver ambassador with Plexus. Just thought it was time I share my testimony with you. I have been so blessed in my life that I have to share! I have been taking Plexus for 11 months now. Along with the best and most precious blessings, my children, came my baby weight. I gained a ton of weight after babies, never had time to work out and never did! Because I’m not in my twenties anymore my metabolism isn’t what it used to be, eating clean didn’t cut it. I started taking Plexus because I wanted the energy people raved about and wanted to kick start some weight loss. I was very skeptical! In my mind there was no way Plexus was going to work. I decided to try it and in just 2 months lost 10 lbs. I have now lost 26 lbs and over 20 inches all over my body. Plexus has forever changed my life! Here are just a few of the blessings I have received from taking the Plexus products: I have tons of energy, this is crucial keeping up with my three beautiful children. I sleep more soundly at night. Before Plexus I was unable to shut my brain off just lying in bed for hours. I don’t suffer from my IBS issues anymore. This is huge! Anyone who has IBS knows having a sensitive tummy can be miserable. I have been hospitalized almost a dozen times just from IBS. No more! My hair, skin and nails have improved. I haven’t had a DP in almost a year, that’s amazing if you know me. I have been to the factory, have the charm on my charm bracelet, and have the t-shirt…. I lived off of DP. Now I can’t stand the taste and only drink water. I have the energy confidence and desire to work out and push myself to new challenges! I have lost 26 lbs and just feel all around wonderful! I became an ambassador in April of 2014 knowing Plexus was working but I was struggling to afford it. This is a luxury on one teacher’s salary and a family of five! I wanted wholesale prices and that’s solely why I signed up with Plexus. I desperately wanted to continue with Plexus, I couldn’t sacrifice my health anymore! Since I’ve started sharing with family, friends, and my Face book family I have gained so much more knowledge on Plexus’ amazing products and all it has to offer. I have also reconnected with old friends, met some new amazing people and felt like I was doing something very important. I have the flexibility to be a stay at home mommy and share Plexus whenever I want. I have helped financially with our income WAY more than expected! Hands down the best part about Plexus is hearing my close friends and family see and feel the blessings of Plexus for themselves. To help others and their health is now my passion. I am now a Plexus ambassador and customer for life! God and Plexus have made me a new woman and I am so grateful! I want everyone to feel the change that occurs in your body when all is stabilized and working to its full potential! Let me help you get started! Stay consistent and who knows.....You may never be the same. Please private message me for more information on the products and prices!!!!! Thank you!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:04:25 +0000

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