My name is Monica Mweliya _Pokati Nambelela ,I am a woman and - TopicsExpress


My name is Monica Mweliya _Pokati Nambelela ,I am a woman and history has proven that its never the women who sell out entire societies. We seldom betray our communities we seldom sell our countries short . In the bitter liberation struggle to end apartheid not even poverty was enough of a reason for us to side with what was morally wrong. WE side with the weak, those injured birds we coach them to grew new wings and teach them the art of learning to fly again. But be careful, if you see women complaining about the socio economic circumstances in a country know that things are not sailing smooth and somewhere someone is trying to drive an entire society into poverty caused by bureaucratic negligence.Call it the bare truth. Have you ever wondered why in a mineral rich county like ours we are demolishing poor peoples shacks while we are spending millions on non essential issues such as a new parliament costing millions, millions to construct a new prime ministers office, we are to build retirement office space for people that should be enjoying the pristine beauty of retired village life? The African rulers who rule with greedy claws and dont care what happens to future generations must get this formula into their brains. Did you know that the Chinese and Jews spend 99%, the Indians spend 98% the Arabs do the same, while the Whites spend 96% of every yen, rupee, euro,pound and dollar on improving their socities, that money is kept among themselves before that circulation finds itself in the hands of other people. The Problem with those entrusted to manage the financial affairs on behalf of the masses in Africa who comprise largely of ignorant , financially illiterate people who are cheated on a daily basis is that those rulers spend 99% of the pie chart of the national cake of resources on themselves and their families and their friends and their outside friends from other continents thats the fundamental reason while those who vote such systems into power remain impoverished reduced to beggars, consumers depending on foreign aid but yet they have governments that comfortably blow an amount of 20million on a short lived occasion to celebrate independence. What is independence worth if the majority of our people are not eating from the pie chart of the national cake of resources and dont have houses. It is clear that in Nambias case has shown that we are without any amount of doubt dealing dealing with a first world country if they have such much money to spend on non essential issues as if they are not aware of the contrast that exists the gap that exists between rich and poor than they surely could afford to dish out 1million to every Namibian first time home buyer or even finance young entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas to start their own businesses. In the wake of this massive spending on non essential issues this daughter of a fallen soldier suggest the following a massive subsidy for every Namibian first time buyer and whoever does not opt for it takes the money and starts a business because if young people are given a chance the economy and innovations picks up when money is in young hands it encourages spending if the young could have money artists will have more money, the quality of art becomes better, competitiveness improves, more money is spend in the gastronomy industry and domestic tourism thrives because we go to all destinations were our friends hail from from Khorixax to Zambesi, we criss cross the country just for the fun of it and are not as one directional as our parents who only flock to their ancestral villages
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 08:44:48 +0000

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