My new years resolution for 2014 was to get uncomfortable. - TopicsExpress


My new years resolution for 2014 was to get uncomfortable. Therefore, I shall show you my transformation. While it is uncomfortable, I am extremely proud of what I have accomplished. When I started at Leggett I was four months post-partum and back to pre-baby weight (aka 156 lbs in Nov 2012). Two weeks after I started a fellow employee told me that I would gain the freshman 15 within months of working here. So I set out to prove her wrong. I began using lunch hours to sneak in some gym time, I counted calories (and cupcake intake) and started going to yoga. Twenty very long months later I am down 31 lbs and Im sitting at my initial goal weight of 125 lbs. I have learned that its ok to be selfish and take some time out for myself. I have learned that I need to make sure my needs are taken into account, so that I can satisfy the needs of others. I think I can speak for most mothers when I say we feel as if we are taking advantage of our spouses and children if we steal a moment away for ourselves (even at the gym)! In reality if we dont steal a moment or two for ourselves, we are taking advantage of our own happiness (and sanity). Ive learned its ok to sometimes just be Magen. Sometimes I dont need to attach myself to my titles and duties. It is ok, to lay those down and set goals only I can accomplish. So here is my uncomfortable moment for the day, stretch marks, extra skin, etc. I am proud, I am diligent, I am learning to occasionally put myself first. I am still Magen, but I am also so much more. #throwbackthursday
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:59:51 +0000

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