My non-RP friends ignore this rant please. Oh good grief people. - TopicsExpress


My non-RP friends ignore this rant please. Oh good grief people. Marcus, your dates are off- Shadow first had real issue with the situation when Davina1229, under her new screenname (AOL increased the character limit) LadyDavinaWynn remarried to RendeliW in either late 1999 or early 2000. Long AFTER she lost any interest in running things, and after one of the times he came back and started thinking play was declining. How do I know this? My character Aeryn was one of the people granted the name Hellstorm by Caine after she and Myddneight became sisters by blood oath. Why do I also know this? aside from my OOC drama with Ren, I was friends with Davina. Hell I was friends with BlackSwirl at the time- another one who probably remembers the train-wreck of Rendell Wyrmslayer I might add. Everyone needs to get over this crap already- youre not restarting HH. Youre opening a new branch, a fresh start with a bit of a taste of yesteryear. There have been so many House Bloods, Hellstorms, Everhates, Dourdens etc over time at this point that its moot. If anyone wants to try and argue this, go for it. Potsie5919, AerynS, XAerynX, AerynSythe, LadyAerynS. I can argue things forever, but there is no point- however Shadow wouldnt want the crap I keep seeing pop up and you know what? He, Michelle (Mydd), and Davinas mun too all kept my young age a secret and protected me while online from some pretty unsavory SL seekers so yeah, I feel I owe them a bit even nineteen, twenty or so years later. None of them would want this bickering that Ive seen going on. Okay, rant over and Im taking my butt back to bed as Im sick.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:56:37 +0000

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