My nose is too big and I have wrinkles around my eyes when I - TopicsExpress


My nose is too big and I have wrinkles around my eyes when I smile… yep, these are two of my big insecurities. Let’s just lay it all out on the table here. I grew up with the lowest self-esteem - I was told to hide my ‘imperfections’ - my nose was too big, and when I gained weight, I had to always hide that too. And hide I would - behind baggy clothes, being painfully aware of my face when talking to people..there was just a TON of negative self-talk in my head CONSTANTLY. Thinking back…that was a truly horrible way to live - to constantly feel like there was so much wrong with me. And one of my fears was to face this aspect of myself - especially because, upon starting our online journey…I knew I would have to go ‘out there’ into the world more - and this could bring in more criticism into my life - and with my already shaky and fragile self-esteem…this was pretty terrifying to me. And so truly this has been a journey of accepting myself - ALL aspects and mostly, those things that I thought were my greatest flaws, internally and externally. Let me tell you something friends - the truest definition of freedom, is when you let go of all the bullsh*t, and ALLOW yourself to be YOU. We pile up beliefs throughout our life - some come from what we were told as kids, some we develop ourselves, and some are forced upon us by society and situations - all in all though, if those beliefs make you feel worthless, flawed and undeserving of happiness….let that sh*t go :D Emerson wrote: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson This is THE definition of freedom and success in my eyes because it is a journey I have made and continue to make myself. What brought on this post? Yesterday I received a comment from someone saying I look ten years older than Romeo - when in fact I am 3 years YOUNGER - this of course stung a little, however it led me think about how far I’ve come and now I am sharing this with you because maybe YOU feel insecure about parts of yourself. Maybe someone puts you down, or someone judges you…or worst of all, you constantly judge yourself. Let it go. Yep, like that Frozen song. ;) Accept yourself because NO ONE can do YOU as well as YOU. No one is as unique, extraordinary, and special as you. No one has lived your life - no one has faced your challenges and OVERCOME those challenges and so no one can judge you or your journey. So even though I have wrinkles when I smile…should I stop smiling? Hell no :D Are there parts of yourself you have had a hard time accepting? I would love to know because I have a feeling, I am not the only one ;) Or am I?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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