My parents picked me up from the airport earlier on and then we - TopicsExpress


My parents picked me up from the airport earlier on and then we headed off to meet my uncle at Klang. I was driving. When I drove out of the KLIA road onto the ELITE highway, KL bound, I saw 3 vehicles stalled in the middle of the road. It seemed that a Proton Wira had crashed into a tourist minibus, which then crashed into an Avanza, which then crashed into a tree at the side of the road. The minibus was overturned on its side and the Proton Wira was almost unrecognisable. I thought it was a previous accident that hadnt been cleared but as I drove closer, I saw people crawling out of the Avanza, a body lying on the road, and heard shouts. Panic shot through my senses and I drove further away from the crash site just in case of any explosion, parked my car at the side, told my parents to stay in the car, and ran to the site. The minibus driver crawled out of the vehicle and started screaming that his wife was trapped inside. There was another body crumpled beside the minibus, I checked to make sure he was breathing but I didnt move him because he was severely injured. People started stopping to help. The lady in the minibus was not hurt but she couldnt get out. The drivers arm was missing a huge chunk of flesh and his tendons were showing. I made sure he sat down at the side because he was in shock and kept shouting for his wife. I ran to the other side of the minibus to check on another guy. Pulled on his shirt and called out to him... He was gone. He was thrown out of his car and suffered severe damage to the head. The Avanza family had light injuries and I made sure they were alright before I left them.. I called 999 and gave the operator all the details of the accident. She connected me to the police, and the hospital. After that, I received so many phone calls asking me for the exact location of the crash site even after Ive told them again and again that it was at kilometre 31.4 along ELITE highway, KL bound. I even had one guy call me to tell me that the crash was not in his area so he couldnt come. I got so pissed off I told him to just send people over immediately because one guy was dead, another guy was unconscious in a pool of blood, a woman was trapped in an overturned minibus, and a mans arm was ripped open! More people stopped to help as I patiently attended to 101 calls and making sure the guy was still breathing. 3 guys managed to get the woman out of the minibus and other guys started directing the massive traffic. My dad wanted me to get back in the car because he was worried the vehicles would blow up but I insisted to wait for the ambulance to arrive before I left. I told my dad to leave the crash site and go to the car, and that I had to make sure help arrives before I could leave. The guy on the ground started moving and moaning. I kept talking to him, told him to hang on and that the ambulance was on its way. After about 20 to 30 minutes, help finally arrived and I left.. My hands were shaking. People, please do not drive recklessly on the road. The mistake of one man caused him his own life, and hurt so many others..... This will stay with me for a long, long time. I really thank God for keeping me calm enough to do whatever I could in such a crazy situation. As I was driving to Klang, a sudden realisation sent goosebumps all over my body . . . The accident had just happened when I turned out onto ELITE highway. If we were just several minutes earlier, we would have been part of the crash... I dont know how I would feel/react when everything sinks in... As for now, I just thank God were alive..... I thank God my luggage was delayed at the collection belt..... And I will not take road safety for granted anymore. Please, please be safe everyone.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:50:17 +0000

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