My plan for the new year is a simple one. Love as I have been - TopicsExpress


My plan for the new year is a simple one. Love as I have been loved. Help as I have been helped. Inspire others as they have inspired me. Im an extremely lucky person. Im able to work and make a living, I have the love of a beautiful woman, a few close friends who want my happiness nearly as much as their own and last but not least, a family that will always have my back no matter what. So often we get bogged down by petty things. Miniscule annoyances and setbacks that seem to obscure your view of the real beauty of life and what truly matters. These can range from your job or a death of a loved one to a guy cutting you off in traffic. These things pass will pass, but when you are caught up in them they seem to be insurmountable and trap you in their gravity. Go to work tomorrow and smile and open the door for that asshole you dont like. May just be the thing that turns him around that day. Call your mom and ask her how her day was cause you know she misses you and your happiness makes her happy. Have a conversation with your beloved departed like they were right there with you and tell them whats going on in your life since theyve been gone. Maybe, just maybe theyll just hear you. Take your lover by the hand and just look in their eyes and tell em how lucky you are that theyve chosen you, and that you would never have anyone else. It all starts with you. Do all these things, but above all else, dont forget to love yourself. You are what this life is all about. Our happiness starts with you. All us other passengers on this blue sphere hurdling through space. Love yourself and youll find it quickly begins to flow to others. It took billions of years for you to be in this place, at this time, dont waste this once in a lifetime opportunity. Happy new year everybody. I love you all.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 02:29:23 +0000

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