My post on this page, i look forward to the senators - TopicsExpress


My post on this page, i look forward to the senators response. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10152299912119470&set=a.10150326711144470.368416.17351204469&type=1 Hi I have a few questions, im apparently missing something. The honorable senator has raised a few points which are why you were all marching today. Im all for affirmative action, its a positive thing, you should stand up for what you believe. So here is my question, why are you marching? The first point raised is for global climate action. Fantastic, great cause, definatly something that needs to be addressed, however I would suggest a positive, firm action with actual results would be more beneficial then a tax. Tony laid out a plan before the election that would see him employ 50,000 people in what they call a green army to clean up australia, that is an affirmative action. A tax is mearly something the companies then pass onto us working class to pay, so all it did was drive up prices and gain nothing, because nothing changed. The second point raised was education funding, another fantastic point. Although it would be a mute point if it wasnt for the fact the previous government ripped the guts out of the funding, then promised half of what was cut in the gonski review, so tell me, anyone, where was your march then? Im all ears, education is what will continue to make this country great, part of that education is research, knowing the facts. The next point raised was digital privacy, ill include freedom of speech here as well, as my own little added bonus, What exactly has the current government done to invade your privacy? What i will add at this point, is under the Labor NBN program, all the lines out of Australia were routed through Canberra where everything into and out of the country electronically, would be filtered and inspected, so is that not a huge invasion of privacy? or is that ok? In line with this, and on my bonus point, the Gillard government censored not only the print and screen media, she censored twitter, facebook told her where to go, the government deleted all posts which were not showing her government in a positive light, pretty sure thats an invasion of privacy, and more importantly, against the very idea of the liberal democracy under which we live. The final point raised, was that of compassion. The current government has stopped the pointless deaths of 1 person every 30hrs that was going on under the previous governments, and has increased the aged pension, is not looking after your own citizens, the ones that built this country into what it is today the most important thing? Along with the stopping of the boats, this will also close the camps everyone is upset about, the camps which i will point out were opened by Kevin Rudd. So please, I look forward to hearing an educated factual response to these points raised. If you have nothing intelligent to add, please dont respond, i already know im a liberal moron and dont need to be reminded a million times.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 08:40:37 +0000

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