My response to mass email from Erica Payne Quoting from Erica - TopicsExpress


My response to mass email from Erica Payne Quoting from Erica Paynes of mass email regarding the 2014 mid-term elections I have embedded my comments as a democrat but also as a realistic and practical moderate in all CAPS: ...key progressive demographics did not show up, angry conservatives did. Turnout among younger voters, Hispanics and women could have changed the outcome, but can we really blame them for staying home? It has been a disheartening year -- from the failure of immigration reform, equal pay and the death of the $10.10 minimum wage bill...--YES, WE CAN AND THET SHOULD BLAME THEMSELVES FOR NOT TURNING OUT TO VOTE FOR CANDIDATES THAT SUPPORTED THE ISSUES AND LEGISLATION MOST IMPORTANT TO THEM! ...This election was not a mandate for Republican policies. Less than half of eligible voters likely turned out for this election and for many of them, their votes reflected dissatisfaction with congressional dysfunction in general rather than anger at a specific party. Unfortunately for our brave democratic fighters, its the party in power that tends to suffer the brunt of the voters wrath. THOSE WHO CHOSE NOT TO VOTE THREW CANDIDATES WHO SHARED THEIR VIEWS AND CONCERNS AND FOUGHT FOR THEM UNDER THE BUS! ALONG WITH THEM, THESE SAME NON-VOTERS THREW THEIR CHANCES OF JUDGE APPOINTMENTS, COURT RULINGS AND LAWS FAVORABLE TO THEIR CAUSES UNDER THE SAME BUS! While obstructionism has paid off for Republicans in the short term, in the long run I believe this election could be a boon for progressives. With Republicans now in control of both houses of Congress, their real agenda will be clear. Unconstrained by minority status, the turtle overlord and his minions will march forward, arrogant heads held high. Prepare yourselves for two years of Republican tomfoolery -- dreadful tax legislation, evisceration of the basic right of healthcare and a living wage. As Republicans gleefully put their extremism into practice, the country will learn exactly what the Republican Party really stands for -- just in time for the 2016 elections!... SO THAT IS LIKE SAYING TO A HOME OR BUSINESS OWNER WHO LOST EVERYTHING IN A FIRE THAT THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT NOW YOU WILL SEE WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE USED MORE FIRE RESISTANT MATERIALS, INSTALLED SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AND SMOKE DETECTORS AND MADE SURE ALL WATERS HYDRANTS WERENT BLOCKED! ...Republican Cuts Kill and over the next two years, we will rub your face in it... YES THE EXTREME RIGHT WILL HAVE THEIR FACES RUBBED IN IT, BUT IT IS THE CORPSES OF THOSE WHO BOTHERED TO VOTE BUT LOST ALONG WITH THOSE WHO CHOSE NOT TO VOTE AT ALL! ...There is truly nothing I like more than a fight. AMERICANS DO NOT WANT NOR DO THEY NEED MORE PARTISAN FIGHTING! WE WANT AND NEED RIGHT, LEFT AND MIDDLE/MODERATE SIDES TO COME TO COMPROMISE POSITIONS THAT ALLOW ROOM AND A VOICE FOR AMERICANS, NOT POLITICIANS, TO DECIDE WHAT IS WORKING, WHAT NEEDS AMENDING AND REPAIR AND WHAT NEEDS TO BE TOSSED OUT THE WINDOW AND THEN THROUGH THEIR VOICES AND VOTES COMMUNICATE THAT TO THEIR ELECTED OFFICIALS!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:30:23 +0000

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