My sane advice. They are spoiling the intellect of the people by - TopicsExpress


My sane advice. They are spoiling the intellect of the people by practising diabolism day and night so that they do not understand the reality. They tell me that they know about the misdeeds of the Britishers and no one else’s. Then I explain to them that whatever they say about the Britishers is not correct. It is the banias who are responsible for the curse of diabolism. The Britishers have come to India comparatively recently. Not much time has passed since then, but these banias have been practising diabolism soon after the death of Raja Bal. the rulers of earlier times had even attacked them for giving a death blow to their sinful operation. They had been subjected to a grueling interrogation but they did not come out with the truth. The rulers then demolished their temples and disfigured the idols, the proof of which is still present. I want to tell you, the Hindus, and the Muslims, that then Britishers had not come here. How can they be held responsible for this sinful practice? The saudagars, who are responsible for this, are making people believe that the sinful practice is being carried on by the Britishers. It is not so. They are ruling this country and in their regime both a tiger and a goat drink water from the same pond. They will take care of this problem also, but presently they are not aware of the diabolic operation of the saudagars. The moment they come to know about it, they will take my world and jump to action. Another thing that is said about the Britishers is that they have plundered our resources. Let me tell you that they are taking just six annas in a rupee (i.e.40 per cent). This is not a new thing. King in the earlier times too charged this percentage out of total revenue. But there never was any shortage of money and resources. What has caused this penury now? As a matter of fact in the earlier times, both the rich and the poor had money and wealth in abundance. Where has that money gone? The British rulers have not taken away that money. They are taking their share at the same rate at which rulers in the past used to take. This small share cannot empty the nation’s coffer. In fact, these traders and moneylenders have drained out our resources by their diabolic power. In the days gone by there was a lot of gold and silver in all the countries of the world. After the death of Raja Bal there has been sharp decline in rich resources of the world. The banias have drained out the hidden money by causing famine conditions and by making Earth split. Besides they have resorted to forgery to grab money which was in people’s possession. They have forced the people to pay back the loan that their forefathers of seven generations back had supposedly taken from them. Other countries no more have the riches that they once had because these unscrupulous people have drained out those riches by their diabolic power. Earth’s trembling proves this fact beyond doubt. To people at large, they suggest different explanations. I know of their activities because they have tormented me. I tell you that people were astonished to see incidents like mountains in close encounter, Earth splitting and disappearance and reappearance of temple idols etc. People believed in whatever they were told about such things. But when I am speaking from my own experience and telling people what all I have seen with my own eyes, they do not seem to believe. These banias make temples disappear by causing Earth to split by their diabolic power. Similarly they make money and wealth disappear. But to fool the people they float all kinds of stories like the one according to which Earth perched on a horn of an ox trembles when the ox shifts Earth onto the other horn. About the money that they have removed they float another story. They say that when all the members of a family, whose money is buried underground, are dead, the hidden money, having lost its owners, gets ‘life’ and turns into a snake or a scorpion. People readily believe in this story. They do not however realize that they are thinking so under the diabolic influence of the banias. How can inanimate money have life? They have Completely brainwashed the people who believe in what is suggested to them. All these things which are happening in the world, are due to diabolic operation of the banias. The splitting of Earth, caused by the banias is very painful. It’s like when we are injured or get a bone fracture, we feel severe pain. These banias by their magic power cause Earth to split and draw the hidden wealth of others. This is what I want to tell you. Therefore you should, after knowing the details of their activity, take action against them resolutely and dismantle their sinful operation. You will be doing a great service to the people. When people engaged in agriculture or in some job, manage to save some money and want that money to be safely buried for a future emergency, they go on changing the places for keeping that money, because an apprehensive indecisiveness is injected into their mind. They apprehend that someone may find the money and take it away. They remain in this state of indecision for a few days and thereafter they bury their money at an ‘appropriate’ place. The unscrupulous elements then perform diabolic rite as a result of which they die at a young age. Before their death they are made to suffer from an acute illness in which they lose their speech and cannot tell their children where the money was buried. The banias create indecisiveness in the people who want to hide their savings safely. They finally bury their money at the place where the banias want them to. Till earlier death that buried money is in their mind but howsoever they wish to, they cannot disclose it to their children or dependants. The money remains where it was buried because those who are the legal heir of that wealth do not know anything about it. They do not know whether their elders had any money or not. But the banias know all about it. It is they who make the owner of the wealth speechless and cause his premature death. The owner of the wealth dies and nobody knows his money or wealth. By their diabolic power the banias usurp this money. They are indulging in innumerable acts of sin. What people of India, both the Hindus and the Muslims describe as the swarga (heaven) and the Naraka (hell) and the eighty four lakh Kundis (pits) filled with flood and pus, is in fact the operational structure of the banias. The extent of harm caused to the world and its people depends on the intensity of their sinful practice. Some texts give its detailed description which in fact is the diabolic network of the banias. It is also said that nobody goes to the swarga while he is alive. Rightly so, because if it is possible for anybody to visit the Swarga while he is alive, the secret operation of the banias will come to light and people will know that it is the human beings who perform diabolic rite to harm the world and what is referred to as the ‘Swarga’ is very much on Earth, where the native land of the Britishers and other countries are situated. So the Swarga is on Earth and nowhere else. According to these texts and according to the people who read these books and hear from others, the Swarga is somewhere in the firmament. In fact like Ravana, these banias have set up a Swarga of magic rite. There they are performing a demoniac rite to curse Mother Earth. The whole world talks about the Swarga and describes it in great details. People, who have been brainwashed, do not know that the description that they give is not that of the Swarga but of the diabolic operation the banias which is similar to one operated by Ravana. The ‘Swarga’ is no other than this Earth herself. Ravana too had brainwashed people by his diabolic power as a result of which people were confusing the Swarga with the diabolic world of Ravana. During his life time he caused enormous harm to the world but nobody knew about his role in it. But when Shanishchara was tormented, he exposed the diabolic operation of Ravana to the whole world. Thus the world could be saved from total destruction. Now these banias are doing the same thing. They have acquired the regime of the Swarga and people are unaware of it. After the death of Raja Bal, the banias have started practising diabolism, which I (Anoop Das), like Shanishchara, have decided to expose so that all the people take a united and determined stand to dismantle the diabolic operation of the banias. This will bring happiness to the world. The great souls who had courageously mobilized people and organized armies to demolish the diabolic power of Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa and Karun, are remembered till this day with great reverence. I want to see the people of the world happy and prosperous and with this motive I am telling you about the diabolic practice of these banias. They have destroyed the thinking faculty of the people and so they do not activate themselves to do away with the menace of diabolism. All the kings and the common people of the world have expressed deep gratitude to the great man who had freed them from the diabolic clutches of the various demon kings by exposing their misdeeds and then by motivating the people to take up arms against the tyrannical regime of those demons. If those pious souls had not awakened the world against their sinful activity the world would have been completely ruined. But God had sent on Earth those noble souls to save the world. People acknowledge them with glowing terms. Had the Almighty not created Shanishchara, Narasingh, Shrikrishna and Guru Nanak, the demon kings Ravana and Hiranyakashipu would have destroyed the whole world and established their tyrannical rule all over the world. But God was gracious and kind to send those noble souls on Earth and through them ensured our safety. We are beholden to them. Dear brethren, when an enemy with his huge army attacks a country suddenly, the rulers and the subjects are caught unawares. While they are sleeping, it is very easy for the enemy to win. At such critical time, a faithful dog of the sleeping masters barks so furiously that his masters are jolted out of their deep sleep. Thus awakened timely, they beat the enemy and save their country. The credit rightly goes to the dog. They acknowledge the dog for his timely working, but for which they would lose their country to the enemy. If people are so much grateful to a vigilant dog for saving a country, then how much gratitude should people owe to those who caution the people of the whole world in order to save them from total annihilation? Those who have done so in the earlier times are remembered with reverence. But strangely, when I caution people against the diabolic designs to the banias, they turn a deaf ear. Not only this, they the kings, the Sadhus, the holy man of the world not being in their right mind call me a lunatic. So unwise they have become that they do not understand. Brothers, if you think that I have gone mad and would not listen to me you will be doomed along with your offspring by the diabolism of these banias. If on the other hand, you take my word seriously and do something to do away with this menace, you will be ensuring a happy and secured life for yourself and your children. If there is no more diabolism, no one will die young and everybody will enjoy prosperity. It is the scourge of diabolism which is denying people the full life span of 125 years. They are dying at a very young age. Long long ago human beings, animals and plants all lived for as many as ten thousand year. But in the present times the life span has been reduced to 125 years. Even this reduced life span is denied to the people who are forced to die at a very young age. These unscrupulous people have gone back on their word. God does not want anybody to die young. It is the diabolism of these banias which is causing death to the people at a very young age. The rulers of other parts of the world come here after they have been brainwashed by these banias, who want to grab their wealth lying hidden in their respective countries. They lure the foreign rulers to rule this country. They create feuds among the Hindus and Muslims so that they kill each other. According to their plan a time will come when most of the people in different countries will have been finished in internecine conflicts. They will then outnumber others and rule all over the world. This is their plan which I am bringing to your notice and I want that you should rise to the occasion and finish their diabolic game plan. It is now or never. At person the banias are in minority as compared to the general public in all the countries and continents. But when the situation will reverse and they will outnumber others, it will be impossible to dismantle their diabolic operation. They will easily spoil the intellect of all the people by their diabolic power. After they have established their supremacy, they will make others their salves. Bereft of sense of right and wrong, people will start fighting and killing each other. Habitations will be wiped out. You will find a small village within the radius of about two hundred miles. Cities and towns will be reduced to small hamlets and villages will become desolate. They have already circulated such ominous prognostication. How will this frightening scenario come about? Will they create riots and dissensions among the people? Or will they cause natural calamities or epidemics or war taking a heavy toll of human life? They only know what is up their sleeves. Then they will rule the world. The scared books of the Hindus as well as the Muslims point a bleak picture of the days to come saying that in the Kaliyuga there will be all round shortage of daily necessities. Grass will sell in terms of weight. Food grains will sell in terms of number. Such prediction circulated by the banias is spread further by the people. Saints and devotees of ancient times have been credited with such prediction contained in the religious texts. The Hindus call it the Kaliyuga while the Muslims refer to it as the thirteenth or fourteenth Sadi (century). Some of you must have read these books. If at such a critical phase of time you do not think seriously and make concerted effort a much worse situation created by their diabolism will be awaiting you. They perform their diabolic rite and direct the curse in accordance with the prognoses make in these books. And the prognoses come true. Rain will fall in the form of dew drops. Food will be available in terms of number of grains. So my brethren, this grim situation as predicted in the religious texts will become a reality if no effort is made to finish their diabolism. There will be no Kaliyuga if all the people of the world unitedly fight this menace out. Otherwise, they will turn the frightening predictions made in the religious texts of the Hindus and the Muslims into reality. So extend your helping hand and cooperate with me in dismantling this sin in the interest of your wellbeing. Otherwise, these banias will torture you severely with their diabolism which will ruin you completely. Such is the influence of diabolism in the minds of the people that they, the Hindus as well as the Muslims, blindly follow what is written in these books and do not listen to a reasonable advice. The banias have very cleverly circulated these books containing ominous prediction about the Kaliyuga and the thirteenth fourteenth Sadi and have fraudulently credited ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims with their authorship. As a result, both the Hindus and the Muslims are following the dictates of these books. This is all due to the diabolic influence. If people follow my advice and stop reading and acting in accordance with those demoniac texts attributed to the Hindu and Muslim saints, and take steps to put an end to the sinful practice of the banias, I hope, people will get rid of this scourge of diabolism very soon. The Hindus and the Muslims have great faith in these books and say that whatever their ancestors have written in these books are absolutely correct. As a matter of fact, they are completely mistaken. If the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims could foresee things why didn’t they write that the thirteenth Sadi or the Kaliyuga would be the creation of the diabolism of the banias? You should know that this entire scheme of things is the product of the banias. If the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims had written these books they must have written about the diabolic practice of the banias and that the banias will control the wealth of the world and ruin its people by causing famine and other calamities, and the scanty rainfall will create a situation in which people will buy food grains in terms of number of grains. But they have not written any such thing. If they were the authors of these books, they would have cautioned the coming generations about the misdeeds of the banias. It is my request to you to try to understand that these books were not authored by your ancestors. They are the handiwork of these saudagars. I want you to give a serious thought to what I am telling you through this book and in the interest of the wellbeing of your children and mobilize people of all sections of society the rich and the poor, the saints and sages, the rulers and the subjects-against the diabolic practice of these saudagars. Take the Britishers in confidence in this matter since at present they are the rulers of India. If you can understand my concern and the Britishers and the rulers can cooperate with me, the people of the world can be rescued. Those who have in their possession the entire wealth of the world, are the ones who are practising diabolism because it involves a lot of expenditure. If the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims had written books making prediction of bad times to come, they would have written about the diabolic practice and also the details of the books produced by the banias (Avtar Charitra and others). The books attributed to the saints of the ancient times are in fact the handiwork of these banias. The names of the Hindu and Muslim saints were given in the books as their authors with the sole motive of hiding the identity of the banias, in case some ruler or an authority investigates into the source of these texts. They will then continue their activity unabated. The rulers and the authorities will trouble only the Hindus and the Muslims since their ancestors have been credited with the authorship of these books. That’s why the banias have given the names of the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims in these books which they have surreptitiously placed in the homes of the Hindus and the Muslims. The Hindus and the Muslims treat these books with great reverence. They fail to see through the fraud. Having lost wisdom, they fail to see reason and follow the dictates of these books. Under the diabolic influence of the banias, they treat these books as their religious texts. The banias have described in these books the scenario that will emerge in the next thousand years. These books were not written by the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims as has been claimed in these books. Like Ravana they have circulated these books with a view to safeguarding their diabolic practice. Like Ravana, these banias too have spoiled the intellect of the people and have secretly placed these books in the hands of the rulers and the common people of the world. The idea is that when a search will be made and these books of diabolic material will be found in their homes, it will be concluded that these Hindus and Muslims are performing this mystic ritual which is causing miseries to the people. They will be held guilty of practising diabolism by the mere fact that these books were found in their possession. Brothers of mine! The real and original scriptures – the Vedas, the Puranas and other texts pertaining to religion and morality written by the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims had been destroyed by Ravana, who produced his own books of diabolic material to replace them. The banias have followed suit. The children of the Hindus and the Muslims will be the victims of this trickery while they themselves will remain safe and unharmed. They intend to ruin others by their diabolic power and rule the world. All of you the British rulers, their subjects and others should take a united stand to dismantle their sinful operation. If you failed to do it, these banias will finish off the rulers and the subjects of all the countries along with their children, because they want to rule the world. It is likely that the banias will hang a bait of riches of the world before you. Please restrain your greed and jump not at the bait. Treat the money of the banias with the contempt it deserves. The books circulated by the banias can be found in their own homes as well. There is a purpose behind it. When a ruler of some foreign land will come to India and enquire about these books, the banias will present these books bearing the names of the Hindu and Muslim saints, to them and tell them that these books were given to their ancestors by the Hindus and the Muslims and that’s why they are there in their homes. They will further tell them that they are totally unaware of this science of the infidel or diabolism. They will tell lies in order to keep their demoniac sin a closely guarded secret. Their effort will be to blame the Hindus and the Muslims and for that they will indulge in all sorts of falsehood while deposing before the rulers of other countries during investigation. The Hindus and the Muslims will be ruined. The diabolism of the banias is spoiling the mindset of the people.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:26:16 +0000

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