My school is literally turning into prison. In order for me to - TopicsExpress


My school is literally turning into prison. In order for me to fill up my water bottle, use the restroom, or to even leave the classroom I must sign both my pass and sign out on a piece of paper. Its takes more time for me to do that, rather than just leave and come back without any hassle. Not to mention only one person is allowed out of the classroom at any given time. If you are caught without a pass, you are assigned a 3:30 detention.. Another thing that boggles my mind is the fact that the assistant principal is walking around school asking girls to prove that their hair is real, due to the new change in rules of hair extensions. If girls deem it necessary to have hair extensions let them be, they are not a distraction to the school, or are they dangerous in any way shape or form. Homecoming next year, for those who do not have the blessing of graduating, will be hell. Without class colors it will not be fun, or enjoyable in anyway. The go home freshmen chant is not harassment, each graduating class has gone through it, and we are all fine. When a student has an early d they must vacate the premises of the school altogether. Being a senior, it is obligation for me to write a senior thesis, and sometimes I would like to stay and research various topics however, that is not allowed. There are other things that are being changed as well, and I do not respect them at all. They claim that these rules have always been in place, but never enforced. Here I am writing this because not once have I ever even received a detention in all of the 4 years Ive been in highschool, but I am still being restrained for no reason. There are other ways to handle these situations without punishing those who have no reason to be punished. If I were to talk to anyone in administration at my school, nothing would be done about it. They claim they care about their students but they dont. They want to be overpowering, and thats exactly what is occurring.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 21:11:56 +0000

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