My shamanic ritual yesterday that dove tailed specifically with - TopicsExpress


My shamanic ritual yesterday that dove tailed specifically with the movie Enders Game and previous dreams and synchronicities over the apst few days: After I share what has transpired, I challenge anyone to disbelieve that I am channeling higher intelligences. 2 nights ago I had a dream that I pulled a beautiful, young girl unharmed from the crushed remains of a space ship (see previous posts and synchronicities posted earlier today on my wall). Yesterday, following my intuition, I was directed to go to the shrine and stepping off point of the Hawaiian Goddess of the Moon and of Love (Hina). There is a group of standing stones at the end of a peninsula which is the alter, and on impulse I placed a red hibiscus flower there. After meditating for a while... a prayer came, asking her to come back to us. I explained to her that now is her time, and we need her to help us reawaken heart intelligence in each of us. As I spoke tears flowed from my eyes, and I apologized for our greed and cruelty that caused her to flee our species and build a wall between us. I then went to see the movie, Enders Game. It is about Earths children being trained to destroy an alien species who had once come to Earth. It was discovered that they - like a hive of ants - have one central queen that they are connected to. If you kill the queens, you kill the colony. One boy with savant abilities is trained to be the head of command of the attack force. He inadvertently is tricked into destroying the alien home world. Meanwhile, he has been receiving messages through his dreams, visions and computer that they were attempting to communicate with humanity, and not destroy us. Suddenly, he realizes after his terrible act, that one wrecked space ship looks like the broken cathedral in his visions, and he realizes his beautiful sister (whom he keeps seeing within the ruin) is really the last remaining Alien Queen sending him a symbol that she is trustworthy and offering him an opportunity to connect with love. He crawls into the wreckage, where he meets the dying queen. Tears run down his face as she directs him to a glowing translucent egg, in the center of the ship. You can see that there is a new queen within it. They are able to understand one another empathically, and he promises to take her child and find her a new home. I hope you will watch this movie. Sorry if I spoiled the end for you. But maybe in the telling, I am speaking of a new compassionate beginning for us. youtube/watch?v=adOaCKbWp7A
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 19:21:55 +0000

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