My son has had the privilege of playing on the GameChangers 10U - TopicsExpress


My son has had the privilege of playing on the GameChangers 10U travel ball team. As with all travel ball teams hes had the opportunity to practice and play tournaments during the little league off season, but extra playing time is only a small part of what the GameChangers have given him. As parents we know how important it is for our children to learn how to be resourceful and resilient. Anyone whos seen a ten year old pitcher make the lonely walk back up to the mound with bases loaded in an inning with no outs knows that playing baseball can be pressure-filled and stressful. Coach Thomas Gary of the GameChangers knows how to make the game a safe place for kids to make errors, to fail, to learn how to be resilient- all while learning how to be better baseball players. Hes a coach who is tough and demanding without being demeaning. He knows baseball and he knows how to bring out the best in his players. My sons baseball skills have improved and his confidence has soared since playing with the GameChangers. Im sure this is due not only to the expert coaching, but also to the culture the GameChangers create- one of respect and high expectations for players, coaches and parents. Our family loves being a part of the GameChangers because they are truly changing the game. Players are referred to as scholar athletes because the GameChangers are committed to supporting their players with both academics and baseball. Best of all, they bring a little fairness to the world of travel ball by striving to make it accessible to families of all income levels. When you notice that what happens on the field has a positive impact on your childs life off the field you know youve found the right travel ball team- its the GameChangers. Lise Narath-Kim
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 07:49:02 +0000

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