My story Part 3 The hardest thing about me having cancer was - TopicsExpress


My story Part 3 The hardest thing about me having cancer was telling my kids and family. I wanted to make sure I told them all at once. So the next best thing I did was sending them a text, this is what I wrote. Tearing up as I wrote this. Kristol and Jr and Monique I did test positive for cancer, I have been informed that I have three choices, lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy. I have a tumor no smaller then 3cm or no larger than 5cm. I also have it in one lymph node under my arm, but it could possibly be in three lymph nodes. I also have a heart murmur which they are going to be sending me to a heart specialist on Monday. I will have an MRI & Eko Cardial gram done on Friday to let me know what stage I am at in my cancer. My doctor is a specialist in breast cancer and vascular (which means she takes care of the heart). I am sorry that I am letting you know thru texting but I want yall all three to know at the same time. I am also letting you know that my choice is going to start off with chemo in hopes of shrinking the tumor and stopping the cancer all together. Please be strong for me and dont cry just pray and happy thoughts ok. I will give you info as it comes to me. I love all of ya equally and not going to beat around the bush for yall. If would like me to sugar coat it just let me know and I will. I love yall a lot always mom. I will let you know when and if I need you. Your priority is your family and kids. One day at a time, baby steps for all of us OK THIS IS YO MAMA TALKING. (hopefully yall are smiling for me yall know me always making a joke out of something) I sent the same text to my brothers and sister. After my mammogram at the Parkview Adventist Hospital, they confirmed it was cancer. I was informed they were sending me for a biopsy in Lewiston. I went to the Breast Cancer Center in Lewiston, ME. I was given a biopsy and told on what to expect. I was also given choices on how to get treated. I chose to start with chemo and the type of chemo they gave me said it would be hard on my veins so they suggested a port be put in. All I was thinking is that I was going to have tubes sticking out of my neck. I went to MidCoast Hospital to have my port put in. It was a wonderful place the doctor was fast and quick. He ended up putting a port above my right breast and no tubes. Day surgery in and out. So now with the port in place, when in chemo they would put a needle in my chest attached an IV with chemo in it. Boy, did it save the veins in my arms. Then it was time to see my Oncologist Dr. Chase. I was a very persistent patient who wanted to do everything for herself. I was also afraid of the chemo itself. I received a call from my primo Edward Flores who also had cancer. He told me as the chemo is dripping stand up, walk around and exercise which I did, it helped but it also took it toll on my body. Mainly fatigue, I had all kinds of meds to take for the nausea, then I remembered for nausea when I was pregnant, mom always told me to eat crackers. That was my solution which worked for me. I was so proud of myself cuz losing weight while you have cancer is a no no. I recall days it would make me so sick I would just sleep and wish the day away, I remember hearing Thomas voice, stating you can do this, or please done give up baby. I would open my eyes look at him and hed be all teary eyed and tell me I cant do it without you and he would kiss me all over till I would get up. What little he knew was I was getting better because of him. Dont get me wrong we had our ups and downs, but our love for each other helped me to fight this disease. I hope not to offend anyone, fighting this disease. I am not here to make fun of it either. My theory is laughing is the best medicine. So with this being said, beware flippers my hair is growing back right now Im a flicker I flick my hair with the tips of my fingers and I cant wait to run my fingers thru my long hair again. Love, peace and hope KweeKwee in Maine Again this is my healing process to share my story. Remember to donate or volunteer for the cause of cancer please.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:16:48 +0000

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