My syndicated column this week is now posted and released. It - TopicsExpress


My syndicated column this week is now posted and released. It deals with the fact that America is fast morphing into a giant police state. Here are excerpts from the column: "This issue transcends partisan politics. It should not matter to a tinker’s dam whether one is a Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, white or black, male or female, Christian or non-Christian, businessman or laborer. If we do not have the right to privacy, we have forever forfeited the right to call ourselves a free country." "Make no mistake about it: what the federal government is doing by its wholesale spying on the American people is a blatant attack against our liberties, our homes, and our way of life. We (all of us) either fight off this insidious attack or forever are labeled as the cowards and traitors that we will have become. President John F. Kennedy is quoted as asking, “If not us, who? If not now, when?” Amen." See the column here: chuckbaldwinlive/Articles/tabid/109/ID/1037/We-DO-Have-Some-Problems-Here.aspx Columns > We DO Have Some Problems Here chuckbaldwinlive Breitbart recently carried a report saying, “During his speech in San Jose, California on Friday, President Obama took one question from the...My syndicated column this week is now posted and released. It deals with the fact that America is fast morphing into a giant police state. Here are excerpts from the column: "This issue transcends partisan politics. It should not matter to a tinker’s dam whether one is a Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, white or black, male or female, Christian or non-Christian, businessman or laborer. If we do not have the right to privacy, we have forever forfeited the right to call ourselves a free country." "Make no mistake about it: what the federal government is doing by its wholesale spying on the American people is a blatant attack against our liberties, our homes, and our way of life. We (all of us) either fight off this insidious attack or forever are labeled as the cowards and traitors that we will have become. President John F. Kennedy is quoted as asking, “If not us, who? If not now, when?” Amen." See the column here: chuckbaldwinlive/Articles/tabid/109/ID/1037/We-DO-Have-Some-Problems-Here.aspx
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 13:59:21 +0000

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