My therapist says that I like to feel like Im Superwoman. And - TopicsExpress


My therapist says that I like to feel like Im Superwoman. And frankly, shes right. I do like to think that I am superwoman. You know… Hundred mile an hour, able to move buildings, nothing I cannot accomplish, nobody that I cannot help, save the day… Always to the rescue . . . . you know… Superwoman. And I recently removed the kryptonite that was in my life. So Superwoman is like born again. But about five minutes ago for the first time in my life as a therapist I actually admitted to myself and to this person that I could not help somebody. And I told this individual that I was going to hand them over to God because I could not help them. I truly never felt or thought that I would hear those words come out of my mouth. This individual is hurting ... deeply hurting inside and has been for sometime. I known this individual since I was in the first grade. So theres a special place in my heart for him. And I really wish he could feel the peace and joy that I feel right now. But he is struggling with so many different areas in his life and although he continues to reach out for my help… Its so frustrating because I try to help him and he does the opposite of what I tell him to do. I love him to death but sometimes I just want to pluck him in the throat. And because of my last statement, is why I feel the need to hand him over to God. I know God can help him. But I also know that God will require him to do work in himself first too. I just hope that this individual doesnt take as long to do the work in himself as I took to do the work in myself. To this individual . . . . if your reading this . . . . I love you & you know that I was never granted the gift of sugarcoating things. So my words do sometimes come very sharp. But I do mean them with the best intentions. You DO have the ability to beat this and all the other evils that youre battling. You just have to BELIEVE & maintain FAITH. Youve got this I know you do. And Im always here for you.!!! BLeeving~N~You 🍀
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 22:49:02 +0000

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