My thoughts on Ferguson, MO: Once, a great man of vision stated - TopicsExpress


My thoughts on Ferguson, MO: Once, a great man of vision stated that he dreamed of a time when a person would be judged by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin. Yet, here we are...almost 41 years later...and we are still choosing sides and basing our judgements on color alone. It seems, whenever two people of different race or ethnic backgrounds are involved in an altercation, in this case a deathly one, we immediately side with the one that most closely represents our own race and ethnicity. When will we learn to study the character of the individuals involved, and investigate the facts of the matter...before displaying our own feelings and opinions? All we know right now, is that a man is dead, and another man is being investigated regarding his death. Although It IS justified to demand an investigation...there is absolutely no justification for violence, vandalism, rioting, and looting. To commit these crimes in the name of justice is sad and unacceptable. Again, I believe that ANYTIME a life is taken, the situation should be diligently investigated until there is absolute verification of the truth. However, are we allowing justice to be blind? Are we removing our predetermined opinions? Are we blocking out our personal feelings on race, and objectively weighing the facts of what happened as they are uncovered, and examining the content of character regarding those involved? Its time we challenge OURSELVES to become MORE than what we have been in the past. The solution to racism and the promotion of ethnic harmony, lies in the forward thinking and unbiased determinations of intellectual individuals....not the close minded propaganda of radical opportunists and media instigators. On the death of James Foley: Yes, I understand that those private sector citizens who choose to enter dangerous areas of the world, are accepting the risk and dangers that come along with those travels. However, when a citizen of the United States of America is savagely and publicly executed...solely for being an American...its time to take action. This was not only a senseless murder...but a direct attack on America, and a clear example of a war crime. Sadly, it was a proudly performed act, by a heinous and evil group, perpetrated in defiance of America and what it represents. It can NOT be acceptable for militant groups around the world to declare open season on Americans. I believe that this tragedy is a direct result of the negotiations recently made with a terrorist group in order to barter the release of a captured American soldier. To the terrorist groups around the world, America now seems weak. We CANNOT barter with evil. There can be NO negotiations with terrorist organizations. Negotiating with these types of organizations only shows vulnerability. To be a great nation, means displaying power against any evil that arises and threatens, not only our country and our way of life, but the common good of humanity. Now is the time to be strong and uncompromising. We cannot sit back and wait on another 9/11 to occur. The world we live in can be compared to the body that our spirit inhabits. When a cancer arises in the matter where or in what part in exists...action must be taken, or it will quickly spread. The evil that exists in this terrorist organization is a cancer...and it must be addressed quickly and aggressively, if we are to destroy it. Friends, these are solely MY thoughts and opinions...and I am proud to live in a nation where I can freely express them. Thank you for reviewing then objectively.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 01:53:23 +0000

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