My thoughts on Marriage and Romance Written by me... How a - TopicsExpress


My thoughts on Marriage and Romance Written by me... How a marriage starts... A marriage starts with a question and ends with a promise! It is the most important question ever to be asked... And the most important promise any two people can make! Television and Movies try to sell us romance on the big screen but true love is nothing like the movies! Marriage is real-life people doing real-life things trying to achieve.... Happily Ever After. Ive always loved a good movie but they have made many in todays times believe that in order for someone to be a good partner and marriage candidate, they have to ride a white stallion, fill your apartment with flowers and take you to the moon and back, all while being perfectly handsome with as few manageable quirks as possible... That makes him even more attractive by the end of the movie... Right? Over many years I have realized a few things that I would like to share....... Marriage isnt all about romance, its about True Love! and Heart! Its about supporting your loved one completely in anything they do or want to do. Its about consoling them when they need you to be there for them! For ANY reason... Maybe they didnt get that job or big promotion... Just yet! Its about supporting their goals and dreams no matter what they are! just so they recognize you believe they can be anything they want to be! Its about always telling her she is Beautiful, Smart, and that your SO Proud of her! Its about trying having dinner ready when she gets home from a long day. Just to ease the workload, so that you can spend the rest of the night together as a family or maybe you know she needs to study for that next step in her career . Its about giving each other the benefit of the doubt and recognizing that nobody is perfect. Its about Total Honesty, Complete Faithfulness, Unwaivering Support and Total Devotion! Marriage isnt all about romance, its about sacrifice... But in a good way! Its about waking up every day and asking yourself, How can I make our today better? There is no In Team! When your married its about 2, not just you! Its about giving up time with friends. Its about changing your schedule, so that you can give her a day away or to herself. Its about providing an evening out or away that she loves so much! Its about giving up on a career that you love so you can try harder and do your best to focus on the most important things in life! To be there to help raise a family. Its about getting up early every day and going to a job youre not exactly fond of so you can provide a better life for your family. Its about giving up a little bit of what you want, just so that you can make her day better and put a smile on her face! Marriage isnt all about romance, its about work and working toward a common goal! Its about working through your differences and learning to live together in harmony. Its about making a living, paying bills, repairing everything thats broken, and doing whatever it takes on your part to make ends meet. Its about trying your best to keep the toilet seat down! :-) Its about remembering taking out the trash on trash day! :-), Its about mowing the lawn, cleaning out the garage, pulling the weeds, folding your laundry, :-) washing and repairing the cars and doing the dishes once in a while. Its about working together to make your home and marriage the best it can possibly be. There is not a day that goes by in marriage that work is not required. But its so worth it!!! For that feeling you get when you come home and see your loved one! Marriage isnt all about romance, its about communication. Its about sharing your thoughts, your dreams and your desires. Its about talking about your problems kindly with each other and coming up with possible solutions together that will benefit you as a team. Its about discussing future plans and how they impact your lives. Its about setting goals, and taking actions together to achieve them. Its about being open and honest with one another in every aspect of your marriage. Its about being totally faithful to her! Always! And when a guy like me says Always, it means Always! Its about learning to trust enough to open your heart to someone else and let them live inside it. Its about never letting a day pass without saying these words, I LOVE YOU! Have a great day and Good Night Sweetheart being spoken between you! Marriage isnt all about romance, its about time... And making the most of it! Its about making time for one another regardless of how busy life gets! You Never know how long you have with your loved one! Trust me, I know. Its about spending more of your free time with your spouse than you do with anyone else! Its about making sure you have free time to spend, no matter what! Its about putting yourself last, other priorities aside and really focusing on that person... The love of your life... The one you chose and promised to be with forever! Its about the quality of time and not necessarily the quantity. Make it all about The Experience What you do and how you treat the one you love is of greatest importance! It is one of the most important things you can do while your in this world! Marriage isnt all about romance, its about service... And always being there for your loved one! Its about trying to remember to make the bed in the morning :-) Its about getting up early to leave a love note for her where you know she will find it during the day! Its about having the coffee ready! Its about buying her roses every week on Friday :-) to show her your love and devotion! Its about preparing dinner just to try to help. Its about fixing her breakfast in bed. Its about Back and Feet massages just because you know she loves them!!! As well as all of the other kind little acts of service that make up years of a happy marriage. Marriage isnt all about romance, its about living for another! In all these years, a couple things... First, I wanted my grand parents marriage! The Great Depression, World War II nothing could break them! Holding hands together at 70 + years when going out for dinner. Second, I have learned that marriage is nothing like it is on TV or in the movies. But I never really thought it would ever work like that anyway... A Marriage is real-life people doing real-life things trying to achieve a common happily ever after together, while still living in the real world. Romance is a great thing and every marriage needs as much romance as possible, but romance isnt what a marriage is all about. Marriage is about, the totals... Total Support, Total Caring, Total Honesty, Total Faithfulness, Total Loyalty with a healthy dose of living and breathing and loving and giving! Marriage is sometimes about working and sacrifice. Sometimes hardships and pains... Because these trials are associated in everyones life! But, a marriage can and should be mostly be about Its joy as well. Its about the happiness, the pleasure and the pure and simple feeling that comes with unconditional love when two people fall in love and TRY their very best to strive every day to be there for each other! NEVER give up! Please dont? A marriage is to try everyday to live the Happily Ever After. Two people become one simply because they both first chose to give your hearts to each other and then promised to be with one another for a lifetime! Once you take possession of someones heart... Dont ever let go! And dont ever try to give it back! Again, A marriage starts with a question and ends with a promise! It is the most important question ever to be asked... And the most important promise anyone can make! Please remember these things and remember to strive every day to achieve them!!! Live everyday just as if it might be your last day together..... Because unfortunately it very well could be.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 20:29:59 +0000

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