My thoughts on vaccines; lets see what controversy this stirs up, - TopicsExpress


My thoughts on vaccines; lets see what controversy this stirs up, yikes! Vaccinations are one of the most controversial issues in modern medicine. Although the vast majority of the conventional medical community believes they are an example of “preventive medicine,” there is a growing community that strongly disagrees. On an ethical level, there is the issue of their compulsory nature. Should you and your children be forced to have something injected into your bodies, for any reason? This is precisely the case with vaccinations. Unfortunately, the situation in the United States is getting even worse in this area. Many state governments are mandating these vaccines -- and failure to comply results in prison time. The intrusion of the government into our personal freedom is unconscionable. Meanwhile, ALL vaccines are immune suppressing, which means they depress your natural immune functions, leaving you vulnerable to any number of diseases. And this is not even taking into account the vaccine additives, such as the mercury preservative thimerosal, which has been linked to autism and other neurological and developmental disorders in children. Many of the vaccines that are now “required” for children are not even medically necessary. -- The above information came from the publication of a physician I think this sums it up great. Were all about freedom when it comes to the areas WE WANT TO BE FREE WITHIN, but then tell others theyre illogical if they choose against something. If you take a second to actually research the negative affects of getting vaccinations vs. the negative affects of NOT vaccinating you would be very surprised. But I also want to state that I am not judging you for your choice to vaccinate-- that is entirely YOUR decision, all I ask is that you be informed. Always ask questions when it comes to something someone is injecting into your body or your childs. While the actual idea of the vaccine may be 100% ethical, the additives used for preservation (ie. Mercury) are not. We have always been taught that Mercury is a harmful, toxic heavy metal, correct?? With the old school thermometers it was always said that ingestion of that silver/metallic substance in the middle ( mercury) could result in fatal illness. The reason this occurs is because mercury causes the release of a harmful byproduct called -free radicals-, these are necrotic (destructive) to tissues, including brain tissues. There has been a vast amount of studies done over the years that has PROVEN this to be true. Another harmful affect of ANY vaccination that enters your body is the adjuvant needed to make this possible. Our bodies are naturally programmed to activate an immune response the instant a foreign substance is introduced into our system. Therefore, if they simply took a vaccination with no adjuvants and attempted to inject it into us it would immediately be killed before it had the chance to be introduced to the immune system. This would then make the vaccine ineffective. The adjuvant used is most commonly aluminum, yet another metal. These adjuvants have been proven to induce severe immunological disorders such as; autoimmunity, long term brain inflammation, and associated neurological complications. While I do agree that the IDEA of building an immunity to these dangerous diseases, and preventing the spread of them is a desirable outcome; the fact is, there is just not enough research that has been done on the substances put into them to give me comfort in the idea of injecting myself or my child with something that is unnatural to the body. Just as you feel it is outrageous that I would choose to subject my child to a possibly deadly disease, I feel it is outrageous to continuously inject your child with toxic substances to prevent a disease that they COULD get or may NEVER get. The unfortunate fact is, that in this day and age human beings are pumped so full of inorganic substances that the bacteria and viruses have mutated into super bugs that are virtually impossible to treat. To conclude, if the TRUE argument is the fact that unvaccinated children pose a risk to others; this should be of no concern to those who do vaccinate. Because the fact of the matter is, if you believe these vaccines protect, than as long as your child is vaccinated they cant and wont be infected by my child that is not, correct?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:04:39 +0000

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